Worst example of unethical, careless hunting I've ever seen in a youtube video...

Disgusting. Great footage for the anti-hunting groups. I don't care how old that POS shooter is, and I'll second the opinion that I wish that bull would have stuck a tine straight up his A$$.
That dude was trying to shoot 500 to 600 yards sitting with a wood stocked factory looking rifle at a running elk. WOW!

You’d think running down elk with a truck would have to be against the law.
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That was terrible. Those guys lacked the skills, conditioning and respect needed for that hunt. That shit where they are laughing and sitting on that bull while it died was gnarly.

That one point where they are like “shoot it in the leg”, then doing all those bleats to try and stop the animals after they already took pot shots at them. What a bunch of amateurs. This is what happens when dipshits who know nothing draw tags.
Looks like he needed to smoke a few more cigs to settle himself down…I certainly wouldn’t post that on the internet. Why would you?
This should motivate all of us to make sure we teach our kids, and any other youth we can, the proper way to conduct ourselves in the field and while hunting. This video is embarrassing and I’m usually pretty understanding in the “shit happens in the mountains” department. This is unacceptable from start to finish
WOW! That’s absolutely disgusting. Seems like the older guy is the father of some of the others in the crew also.
They didn’t even have him finish the bull off and they knew it was alive.
Seems like they were more worried about lighting their cigarettes then staying on the bull also.
Requirement to wear hunter orange
Utah Code § 23-20-31
You must wear a minimum of 400 square inches of hunter orange material on your head, chest and back while hunting any species of big game, unless you are involved in one of the following types of hunts:
• Participating in a once-in-a-lifetime, statewide conservation or statewide sportsman hunt
• Participating in an archery, muzzleloader or HAMS hunt outside of an area where a general-season any legal weapon bull elk or general-season any legal weapon buck deer hunt is occurring
• Hunting on a cooperative wildlife man- agement unit (CWMU), unless hunter orange is otherwise required by the operator of the CWMU
• Participating in urban deer removal, as authorized by Utah Admin. Rule R657-65

I guess it is possible the guy was hunting a CWMU but with the cow hunter wearing the required hunter orange me thinks not…

Wow... on top of him being way the hell out of shape... and apparently someone who has never heard of shooting sticks before??... dude doesn't even have the smarts to make sure the big-@$$ animal that could totally gore him and stomp him and tear him a new one was even fully down for the count??? Are you serious with that shizzle mang? You MUST have a death wish! Wouldn't take a very big last surge of leftover energy on that animals part to EFF his isht up, but good!

And Ugh.... Gawd man... at least wait for the damn thing to be fully fully gone from this Earth before you douche-out like the disrespectful cu__ you are! Damn Man!.... Ol' Cunty McCunterson over here... can't even pull off a standing still coup de grace shot properly even... damn! Where'd you get them glasses from again??

Then he wants to go and douche-out like somebody elses unruly kids that were never raised right. Doing that whole grabbing the antlers and playing around BS. SMDH

And you'd think if their goal was to get a Bull... that they wouldn't want to go running around dumping all kinds of rounds all over the place scaring the crap outta anything around within ear shot to go run away in a panic! SMDH.

There's a REASON why you want it "one shot one kill"! One shot? If it's just one shot (or two). That's something animals within earshot of the event can potentially settle back down after it takes place, within a reasonably short amount of time and possibly not get terribly sketched out about, or bumped all that far.

But that whole MadMax HillyBilly chase 'em down shoot up the whole hillside business they were doing? Shiiiid.... you gotta figure they just hosed that place for being any good now for at least a number of days afterward will all that hoopla they made, and persistent chasing em down over multiple points like that.

And I dunno... with the animal not being allowed to fully expire first... and him doing those shenanigans? I'd betcha they can charge him with harassing wildlife, since technically it wasn't dead yet. Right?
The disclaimer "old timer, doing old timer things".
What the hell kind of cop out excuse is that...

While I'm not in that group quite a few old timers I know would probably have taken him for a ride and left him walk out on his own..

The ignorance of these guys is astounding.

Hopefully they take this down before this gets used as the next talking point of how careless and ruthless "hunters" are...
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