5K question ???????


Apr 5, 2013
Generally my workouts consist of a cross training routine with weights and jumping rope. This has worked really well over the years. Recently I decided to start running 3 miles and it's only been about a month or so, I do this maybe 3 times a week. I recently had a couple friends ask me what my time was and told them I started off at 20:20 and now right at 19:00 to 19:15. Is this actually a decent time for 42 years old ?
They where saying I really should enter a couple 5K's and you will be surprised at how well you do .
Any feedback is appreciated.

Also would like to know what a realistic goal would be to shed off some of that time ?

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This is a very good time, no matter what age.

I am a long distance runner and hate 5K's. I am 47 years young. (I prefer 1/2 marathon and longer)

As far as goal to shed time, tough to say. It depends upon what you are doing in your training runs. I would look at an on line training plan. I would visit McMillian website. He has a good running calculator. I don't know if he has 5K training plans. You can try Hal Higdon, as he has many training plans.
I'm assuming those times are for your 3 mile, right? That'd put you at or near 20:00 for 5K, which is definitely a good time for your age. Living where you do, it probably won't win an age class (especially in a bigger race), but it'd put you right in the mix of it, and definitely ahead of the masses.

As far as a goal time, who know's what your ceiling is, do some 5K training (more distance, intervals, pace work, etc.) and try and knock time off every time you race. You can't just run one and say that's all the better I am, it's a process, each race has it's flaws and places to improve.

Good Luck!
Another question, What are your thoughts on the minimalist shoes ?

I personally hated them. I have the Nike 3.0's. Not sure if that qualifies for minimalist, but to me they were. I love them for the gym and wearing around town because they are extremely comfortable but I couldn't run in them. It absolutely destroyed my tibialis muscles(I think, I am no doctor) after mile 1. I ended up going to a running store and got fit for a pair with much more support. World of difference. Everyone is different though.
Another question, What are your thoughts on the minimalist shoes ?

I am pro technology and have never bought into the minimalist thing. I buy running shoes with stability. (Per gait analysis). I run way to many miles to run without support and padding. (I run over 2K miles a year)
I ran last night with a pair of Merrell's and have to say it does work more of your muscles throughout your legs. Little sore today but nothing bad just muscle soreness. I can definitely tell I was a heal striker because I had to correct that right away. Found it very easy to transition into I guess you call it a mid strike. Might stick with them and see how it goes. Maybe the heel striking was one of the culprits that used to give me chin splints when i played a lot of ball. Thanks for the feedback so far.

Make sure that your stride is correct, and your foot is not landing out in front of you. Ideally, your foot should strike the ground pretty much right underneath your body. Most heel strikes occur because folks are striding too far in front of their bodies, which invariably leads to shin splints and/or IT band issues.
Make sure that your stride is correct, and your foot is not landing out in front of you. Ideally, your foot should strike the ground pretty much right underneath your body. Most heel strikes occur because folks are striding too far in front of their bodies, which invariably leads to shin splints and/or IT band issues.

Thanks bro !
Another question, What are your thoughts on the minimalist shoes ?

I'm not as fast as the OP (25min 5k time), but I've been running in in a pair of Vibram Five Fingers for about 6 months and I love them. You really have to adjust your style of running, and it takes a long time to get your heel cord & calf muscles built up to take the beating, but once everything clicks it's a great feeling.

I also run in a pair of Brooks Pureflow IIs that I just picked up. They aren't minimalist per se (4mm heel to toe drop), but they're a nice alternative to the Vibrams when I want to put some miles in and not feel quite so beat up, but also not feel like I'm wearing boots. :)
Another question, What are your thoughts on the minimalist shoes ?

I love them, all I run in anymore is New Balance Minimus shoes 730's for road/track and 1010's for trails, I actually just ordered another pair of 730's today. Your 3 mile times are very good, about where I am as well. Keep up the running and get yourself entered in some races, if you're competitive, you'll love it and it will just inspire you to run and train harder.