Alberta Outfitter Problem

F being the nice guy. Tell him you're filing a police report and getting an attorney if it's not in your mailbox in one week. He can overnight it. You're being too nice and the guy is taking advantage. For that amount of money I'd drive up and make him think that car wreck(if that really happened) was a tickle fight.
Contact his previous employers that you know of. He might not be telling you the truth. See if they heard anything about his condition. Just another way to make sure you’re getting straight answers from him. Hope it works out for all parties involved.
He is wanting me to pay for the tag that he supposedly purchased. I shouldn’t have too but at this point I’d be happy to get half of my deposit back. Yea I agree I think it’s time to ramp things up.
give an inch, give a mile.
You didnt cancel the hunt. Sounds like his problem.
Full deposit refund or bust IMO.
I was in a situation where I paid a guy $3000 down for some rough sawn cedar to make a cabin. The balance was $9000. I paid him $3000 cash and got a written receipt. He never produced the cedar and did about the same thing to me when I contacted him. I ended up taking him to small claims court and won because he never showed up. The courts ended up putting a lean on his business and I never got a nickel. Cops won't do anything for you in this case. It's "a civil matter".

I'd bet he used your deposit to pay bills and doesn't have a dime. If his business doesn't have a dime, putting a lean on it won't help. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are most likely not going to get this money back. I hope you do, but I'm betting you don't. Very frustrating I know.
If it is only a deer hunt I assume we are talking about $1000-2000.

Pretty easy to eat that. Just don't ever book with him again.

He doesn't have your money.

Covid flattened the Canadian outfitter industry.

Book through a big booking agent like WTA, hell WTA owns most of the outfitters in Canada they represent.
Time to get aggressive. Not likely to get your money back, but at least do all that you can.

At a minimum, put the guy's name out here.
Police report won't help much, it would be considered a civil matter as it does not meet the criminal definition of theft or fraud, and once you agree to a deal on payment back it makes it tough to go that route, but small claims court would be the way to go.
Always a risk with new outfitters that have no history to back them up as being honest, the outfitter game is rife with bad actors and scam artists. The good ones have been in the game for some time, and have the references to back it up etc.