Biden announces proposed gun control measures


Feb 27, 2015
North Dakota
Also, I don't think a person's willingness to fact check stuff is indicative of their position on anything.

Are you implying that I should knowingly go along with BS as long as I like where it leads? I call BS on my liberal friend's horseshit all the time.

I just don't like BS. Both sides are plenty full of it.

If you said that Newt Gingrich publicly called Nancy Reagan a cow I'd probably call that out too.
Here's one you can prove, way back from 1993. From none other than Ronald Reagan.
"While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up supply of these guns, making hem less acceptable to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support then and on further manufacture of these weapons."

That was a letter that he, Carter, and Ford sent to the house in 1993 in support of the assualt weapons ban that was successfully put into law. I think there was some significant bipartisan support on that but I could be misremembering.

Hard to say what will happen. I'd guess Sleepy joe will break the "guns sold over 1 term" record that Obama set. Because remember, Obama was going to take all of your guns too. I'm still waiting for that to happen. He supported some things that I bet most people in this forum are against, not because they are super aggressive but because many of us don't want to give an inch. But if I remember correctly, Reagan and Carter would've been doing far more "infringing" than Obama even talked about doing.

The democrats talk of gun control is certainly worrisome. But it's also talk, we all know politians say whatever they need to get elected. You would certainly think they will try to get something through.... one thing we need to make sure we do is stand fast and stay clear headed. I really don't believe going crazy will be the answer. It's not tyranny if you're driving your 60k pick up to the gun store to fill out a universal background check for your 2k rifle and 2k optic to go on top of it. You might not like it, but the couple hundred million people who died of real tyranny would gladly trade places with you.

We know people who use guns to kill people don't follow laws and won't follow gun laws either. The best thing gun owners can be imo is rational and clear eyed. Obviously, there is a line in the sand on this issue. I'll know it when I see it.


Jun 20, 2013
Also, I don't think a person's willingness to fact check stuff is indicative of their position on anything.

Are you implying that I should knowingly go along with BS as long as I like where it leads? I call BS on my liberal friend's horseshit all the time.

I just don't like BS. Both sides are plenty full of it.

If you said that Newt Gingrich publicly called Nancy Reagan a cow I'd probably call that out too.

The Biden quote is fake as well (the words "Banning guns" aren't in the original, and he was specifically referring to the assault weapons ban).

The Janet Reno quote was also made up by Soldier of Fortune magazine.


Dec 8, 2018
Just FYI, the Obama quote is something he supposedly told John Lott Jr. during a conversation in the 1990's and then he printed in his book. Not exactly the kind of vetting you need to substantiate that kind of bold quote.

Edit: details matter, and going off the word of one guy with an agenda is the detail that matters here. Does Obama want guns banned? Maybe, but when that quote is used to prove it, it cheapens the stance.
lol talk about weak diversion.


Feb 27, 2015
North Dakota
Free speech is not dwindling, certain medias are censoring and it is incumbent upon everyone to exercise this right to the fullest. Those who cower to leftists peer pressure are gutless pussies. As for those attempting to undermine the Second Amendment, well that's just part of the Communist plan to dominate the planet under a new One World Order whereby the masses become batteries used to power the elite. Make no mistake, there is a globalist effort to destroy the American way of life and it is clearly visible in today's politics for anyone who knows history and is paying attention.

How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people

Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty

Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools

Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?

Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin's original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as "Useful Idiots." The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S If people can read this and still say everything is just fine…they are “useful idiots.
You and Hillary Clinton might have something in common. You both show an affinity for Saul Alinsky.



Dec 8, 2018
Here's one you can prove, way back from 1993. From none other than Ronald Reagan.
"While we recognize that assault weapon legislation will not stop all assault weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up supply of these guns, making hem less acceptable to criminals. We urge you to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support then and on further manufacture of these weapons."

That was a letter that he, Carter, and Ford sent to the house in 1993 in support of the assualt weapons ban that was successfully put into law. I think there was some significant bipartisan support on that but I could be misremembering.

Hard to say what will happen. I'd guess Sleepy joe will break the "guns sold over 1 term" record that Obama set. Because remember, Obama was going to take all of your guns too. I'm still waiting for that to happen. He supported some things that I bet most people in this forum are against, not because they are super aggressive but because many of us don't want to give an inch. But if I remember correctly, Reagan and Carter would've been doing far more "infringing" than Obama even talked about doing.

The democrats talk of gun control is certainly worrisome. But it's also talk, we all know politians say whatever they need to get elected. You would certainly think they will try to get something through.... one thing we need to make sure we do is stand fast and stay clear headed. I really don't believe going crazy will be the answer. It's not tyranny if you're driving your 60k pick up to the gun store to fill out a universal background check for your 2k rifle and 2k optic to go on top of it. You might not like it, but the couple hundred million people who died of real tyranny would gladly trade places with you.

We know people who use guns to kill people don't follow laws and won't follow gun laws either. The best thing gun owners can be imo is rational and clear eyed. Obviously, there is a line in the sand on this issue. I'll know it when I see it.
No offense. I love ND and hunt there often . But try living in NY, California, Maryland, New Jersey Like I have and get to back too me me where the line is drawn. I had to register an RWS pellet rifle when I lived wi NJ


Feb 27, 2015
North Dakota
No offense. I love ND and hunt there often . But try living in NY, California, Maryland, New Jersey Like I have and get to back too me me where the line is drawn. I had to register an RWS pellet rifle when I lived wi NJ
You're absolutely right. But I can only work with what I got. There's a reason I don't live in those places. My point is, we can't cry tyranny over every gun discussion. Tyranny looks and smells like millions and millions of dead bodies. Dead bodies from execution, dead bodies from famine through collectivization of Ag. We have something to point at and say "hey that's what that looks like".

Preventing people with arrest warrants from buying guns isn't it. Maybe universal background checks isn't either. Somewhere in there is a line. It might be different for all of us.

registering the gun might've been a pain. But you're still alive. That's not a call for nation wide gun registration. That's just making sure we're looking at the big picture and properly identifying "tyranny".
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Nov 7, 2012
Also, I don't think a person's willingness to fact check stuff is indicative of their position on anything.

Are you implying that I should knowingly go along with BS as long as I like where it leads? I call BS on my liberal friend's horseshit all the time.

I just don't like BS. Both sides are plenty full of it.

If you said that Newt Gingrich publicly called Nancy Reagan a cow I'd probably call that out too.
Funny how if you dont just blindly follow along with the propaganda everyone "knows" your true stance.


Sep 29, 2012
Funny how if you dont just blindly follow along with the propaganda everyone "knows" your true stance.
Absolutely. But of course it is the people who rationalize why it is OK when those they align with lie (all the while condemning the other side as liars) who have it all figured out. We should collectively look to as our moral compass.

Damn they are wise.

Lou Sid

Jan 21, 2018
You're not serious are you?

"Assault style semi autos..." says everything. Wasn't a "Classic bolt action..." a military weapon? isn't it still? How about semi auto pistols....oh wait so were revolvers.

I would guess you think Gov. Walz is doing a good job also....
Just saying semi autos with high capacity mags (ARs) are less of a necessity for the average person/hunter.

Lou Sid

Jan 21, 2018
he's clueless regarding firearms at least based on his post. He doesn't even know that his own state of Minnesota has tried magazine bans a number of times.
I just think there should be some sort of common sense limit on what the averages joe can buy. And laws can change.

Lou Sid

Jan 21, 2018
No offense. I love ND and hunt there often . But try living in NY, California, Maryland, New Jersey Like I have and get to back too me me where the line is drawn. I had to register an RWS pellet rifle when I lived wi NJ
Registering that pellet gun must have really been tough and infringed upon your rights. First world problems.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
2nd does not talk about necessity or what one person thinks is necessary for another person to own. You want input into what gun I should own you better get ready for my input into your choice's in life. The cities with the most gun control laws have the highest gun violence.....what good do gun control laws do? other than make fools feel safe.