Broadheads for Moose

Apr 29, 2020
If dont wanna buy 90 dollar broadheads id shoot magnus 2 blade or thunderheads it just depends what your bow shoots good and make sure they are razor sharp

E Butler

Feb 12, 2015
I used a 125g G5 Montec last year in Alaska and was very happy with the results. I shot a nice caribou at 37 yards with a complete pass through and a moose at 8 yards with complete penetration.


Dec 23, 2018
Why does everyone like use l using the swept qad blades? What’s the difference?


Feb 28, 2012
I had planned on using Magnus black hornets for my moose this year but after reading this I think I'm going to go with Iron will. I sure love those magnus but why chance a problem on a once in a lifetime tag? Thanks guys.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I initially wanted to use one of my over the top 3-blade 1.5" cut mechanicals, as I've used them on big elk very successfully. But decided to use the 125gr QAD Exodus as my primary with some GR Fatal Steel heads for backup. I was really hoping to get a second shot to test out the mechanicals either way........and I did. The QAD did its job, but the bull ended up standing up again after initially going down so I also got to see what the Fatal Steel would do. Both were impressive. After the Fatal Steel the bull was absolutely done. But I'm shooting 75lbs at almost 33" draw with a 520gr arrow, so penetration isn't an issue. The first shot was 53 yards and the 2nd was 38.

Jan 2, 2013
I initially wanted to use one of my over the top 3-blade 1.5" cut mechanicals, as I've used them on big elk very successfully. But decided to use the 125gr QAD Exodus as my primary with some GR Fatal Steel heads for backup. I was really hoping to get a second shot to test out the mechanicals either way........and I did. The QAD did its job, but the bull ended up standing up again after initially going down so I also got to see what the Fatal Steel would do. Both were impressive. After the Fatal Steel the bull was absolutely done. But I'm shooting 75lbs at almost 33" draw with a 520gr arrow, so penetration isn't an issue. The first shot was 53 yards and the 2nd was 38.

View attachment 215512

Let’s see a pic of the moose!!

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Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
I shot a shiras in CO last year with a Magnus Black Hornet twice. First shot at 20 yards he was slightly quartered away. Broadhead hit a rib square in front of the heart and broke the ferrule and the blades slid straight up the rib cage under his shoulder blade. Bull ran 20 yards and stopped. Second arrow hit the should blade square on and that braodhead broke in the exact same spot offering no penetration. We had to track and be patient on this bull for 3 days. Finally on day four I put a Muzzy through the lungs and he went 20 yards and fell over dead. The Magnus ferrules are not solid on both sides of the blade. I love them for deer but would never shoot one again at bigger game. IMO after 4 days of agony shoot a 100% solid ferrule broadhead like a Cutthroat. Picture of the broadhead in the shoulder broken off at the end of the blades.
wow! huge kudos to you sticking with THAT bull, i applaud you! legit!

i had one fold up on me too, killed some elk with them prior, but that was it for me. i like mike a lot, and appreciate how he runs his business, but would like to see him build a stronger head. mine happened on a big black horned 7x8 roosie at 4-6yds... it was frustrating. was among that bull a few more times, but never got my redemption shot.... ended up killing his buddy he would take his aggression out on, the second to last day. the big bull was unphased by our encounter running his cows around the next day.

about a half hour after i shot him he went up the ridge an bugled non stop for awhile.... wasn't making sense to me, i was glassing him about 100yds with my 10X swaros, and the entrance hole looked perfect... nothing made sense until i went to track him and found my arrow about 10' beyond where i shot him.