Change the name of this site?

May 19, 2019
After finding this site about 6 weeks ago while researching for an upcoming (hopefully ) mule deer hunt this fall in Wyoming, I have effectively accomplished little more in my free time than scouring dozens and dozens of pages of information posted by experienced folks. I'm thinkin maybe they should change the name from Rokslide to RabbitHole. This place is a rabbit hole full of treasures. Couldn't have found a better forum. Thanks to all who are willing to contribute so much experience and information.
No kidding. I lurked for a couple years and finally registered this spring. Lots of hours reading.

Some of y’all do some pretty cool stuff!
I am new here myself, I am in my 60' s now and I appreciate the more conversational approach I see here.
I am new to techology and the other places I have visited go sideways on many of the discussions. They can become rude and insulting. I don't this here.
This forum is a outstanding resource for information and some of the members on here are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Just dont start with the "hey where is your honey hole line" and people will be very helpful. Enjoy the venture down the rabbit hole. Oh one more thing, this site can have a negative effect on ones checking account lol. Happy hunting!
I'm in the same boat. I've just found out about this forum last week, and I've been enjoying reading/learning a lot of stuffs in this forum already. (y) Thanks to all who contribute to this forum.
I got introduced to this forum via Robbie's (aka The Legend) book on mule deer. I've found Rokslide a much better use of time than mindlessly scrolling through social media. I've actually learned a lot of good and the quality of people on Rokslide is top notch. I have yet to run across and idiot or someone who isn't open minded

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After finding this site about 6 weeks ago while researching for an upcoming (hopefully ) mule deer hunt this fall in Wyoming, I have effectively accomplished little more in my free time than scouring dozens and dozens of pages of information posted by experienced folks. I'm thinkin maybe they should change the name from Rokslide to RabbitHole. This place is a rabbit hole full of treasures. Couldn't have found a better forum. Thanks to all who are willing to contribute so much experience and information.
yeah. great place to get the actual facts on stuff. membersare wonderfully kind with their time and keen to help others. I got a Kifaru bag, went on their forum and then wound up here...
I found this forum through Kifaru also. Just signed up. Looking at some gear in the classifieds and have found tons of useful info. from forum members. Nice seeing people taking the time to help other people out.