

Nov 14, 2017
Started shooting a recurve a couple months ago. As of right now with the way I anchor I put my cock feather in and have a small blazer vane that when I pull back and apply back tension it touches my nose and I release. It has helped with my accuracy tremendously. My question is about using a clicker. It is kind of a pain to align the blazer vane up the same exact way every time I get some new arrows, which leads me to believe a clicker would be even more consistent and less of a hassle. I just set it up and I am good to go. When paper tuning the other day I also noticed that it was easier to tune an arrow without that blazer vane on the end of the arrow. I wanted to shoot both to see what my arrows were doing.

A couple concerns I have though is the chain hitting the limb making it noisy. Also, how durable are they? If something were to fail could it be easily repaired while in the field? Do they work in rain and snow? 90% of my hunting is spot and stalk. Does it get tangled while crawling or busting through thick brush?

Also if you could throw some recommendations of some good clickers that would be great.

Thanks in advance.
Dump the chain.
I use a heavier cord than what is supplied. No tangle.

Go to YouTube and look at Shot IQ Clickers. Joel Turner does one of the better clicker setup videos. It's fairly new.

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Take this with a grain of salt as I have not used one....but have researched the option.change to p cord and muffle clicker with hockey tape. It is one more thing to keep an eye on when plowing alder or getting snowed on but shouldn't be to bad. I'd definitely keep a spare in my pack.
+1 what lost arra said.
When I was a finger shooter, I shot Clickety Click Clickers for about 25 years. I usually replaced the chain with a piece of braided nylon cord. It was quieter for sure. I never damaged one in the field hunting spot and stalk for many species across the west. The clicker sure helped me control target panic. I shot mine on long compounds and some recurves. Good luck with it!
I’ve had one on my recurve for over a year now. As others have said replace the chain, I use d-loop cord. I’ve shot numerous 3-d tournaments, spring gobbler hunted and killed 3 deer last bow season with no issues of any kind (noise, getting caught on brush etc.). I’ve shot trad since the early 90s and a clicker has helped my consistancy more than anything. Good luck.

God Bless.
Definitely was for me. Clickity click is the best. The spring steel is short and therefore stronger. Some of the others have longer spring steel and eventually the steel will tear out.
I have one, I hate it.
It's needed at some point but I don't like it.

Yes you can swap out the material, yes it gets caught in brush and stuff.
Ok, my question, are you using the entire Blazer Vane? If no, ignore my post, if yes, my buddies at rmsgear are cutting them down to a small size with a sharp point and put them between the feathers, and they aren't having any tuning issues. The sharp point helps you feel it better. Also they are using grip and tab sears as pshycho triggers
Go with the clicker you'll figure out how to make it bomb proof. Mine is. They do get caught up on stuff but it's worth it. To quiet mine down I took the chain and bent it back and forth about 100 times to break it in.
Hey oldgoat, I got the Blazer Vane idea from Tom Clum actually. He mentioned a clicker to me but I did not want one for the above-mentioned reasons (I should have listened lol). However, I have put about 3 to 4 hundred arrows through my bow with the clicker on and I am beginning to like it much much better. I looked up a video that Joel did about clickers and use d-loop cord instead of the chain and the only noise that it makes is the click at full draw. Seems to be pretty bomb proof as well. Only time will tell, but so far no problems.
Funny, I was going to start a thread on this very topic and bam! here one is.
My questions were already answered above but I will add I have about a dozen shots through mine today before work and I am intrigued by the potential. Although I see it as a training aid and not so much a forever thing. Maybe I am wrong....
Not saying it is a fix all piece. But, I sometimes short draw or overdraw. When I do that my gaps mess up. Since I use a point on system my gaps need to be consistent. This has definitely cured that problem. Been shooting a lot with it. I do not see myself taking it off in the near future. I really like it and it has helped me tremendously.