Convert BDL to DBM?


Aug 21, 2022
I did a build on an Origin action that I am generally very happy with.
1) I decided it needed a lighter scope so I swapped out the original scope for something lighter. No problem.

2) I have concluded that I don't love the BDL setup and would like to switch over to a a DBM without having to have my stock inlet for a M5 setup. This gun is 100% a hunting gun so I don't need high capacity. I do want reliability and quiet.
  • I found a HS Precision kit online that looks like it will work, but I cannot find any reviews on it.
  • If I did wanted it inlet for the M5, how much should that run?
I had a rifle built two seasons ago with a DBM, should have left it with the floor plate. It rattles and makes noise. It's just another thing sticking out to catch on brush
I have a HS Precision DBM on a short action Origin. HS has been around for a long time so getting support is no problem. It is very good quality. It is not lightweight. The magazine’s are proprietary and expensive. I don’t notice it rattling. The latch is secure and being inside the trigger guard it doesn’t get snagged on stuff. I have to remind myself that it is very easy to press the trigger when releasing the magazine latch. Something to keep in mind.
I have numerous HS Prec. mag setups and they have all been excellent. They snap in nice and snug and do not rattle at all. All of mine are standard mag capacity and you can barely tell the rifle isn't a standard BDL setup. Mine are all in Rem 700 SA and LA builds.
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I’m not sure 100% if it would work but I would look at the Hawkins precision bottom metal. They have some really nice flush fit mags for both short and long action.