Deer pics for 6 year old plus buck I killed back in October

Feb 17, 2017
This was a combo of pics and knowing the deer. Plus looking at the teeth. I killed a cull eight that you would think was a two maybe three year old but he was at least 4 by pictures I have of him. Not much mass at all and no eye guards to speak of. Really unique dark dark horns especially for a smaller racked deer for our area.

The old 9 point I killed is the first 200lb plus deer I’ve seen come off our lease. I see guys say a buck is 180 lbs then on the scale it’s 150. In these pine plantations with a few oak creek bottoms, not a ton of food unless you feed or can plant food plots. Food plots can be a problem cause timber companies won’t allow them except on power lines or gas lines that can’t have trees on them. I’ve tried to feed protein late winter through summer along with establishing mineral sites. In our zone 12 of Arkansas, I would bet 75-80% of hunters have never killed a gross 100” P&Y measured deer. Lots of pressure and lots of deer killed that are 2.5 first week of gun season that coincides most of the time with our peak rut.

I’m going to send the teeth to the deerage that Sekora mentioned just to check next year. Probably even a couple of old does that don’t have fawns just to see.
Yeah I wasn’t doubting it’s an old buck. Pics are the best indicator of age. I was just bringing up how hard it is to age a buck off physical appearance. And give another positive for tooth cut aging.

little side note for you on the old does that don’t have fawns. There isn’t really an old dry doe. That’s a wives tail. Does will have fawns until they die...and they can live 20yrs. When you see an old doe without fawns it’s because they we killed or died most likely.

We have a doe around the house that is at least 9 this year. She has a dark patch on her hip. Not a very good mom though...almost every year she loses a fawn by year both. She has dropped them in our yard twice. I’m thinking about reporting her to child protective services.


Apr 13, 2021
View attachment 247587I’m new to this forum. I got this 6 plus year old buck the week before muzzle loader began here in Arkansas. Teeth wear showed it to be 6 plus years old. Old tank 9 point. I’ve killed bigger horned deer when I got to hunt in the Delta which include a P&Y 8 and 10 point. This is prob the best trophy due to age of the deer and being in zone 12 of Arkansas. This is the highly pressured mostly pine plantation area of south central and south west part of Arkansas. It’s the first actual 200 pound deer I’ve seen come off our lease.
Wow! That buck is definitely a heavy weight deer! Congratulations!