Draw weight recco

Nov 8, 2020
Just bought a new Mathews V3 and had it set at 70#. Had older Mathews before (not sure draw weight but lighter), and can draw it back okay but wears me out after 30 or 40 arrows. Better to switch back to 65# or just build up at 70#? 30 inch draw and shoot mainly white tail/hogs.


Dec 1, 2018
I've found that your arrow count will go up very quickly. The body adapts to the poundage. I use to pull 83 lbs, and after a few weeks I could do 100 arrow sessions. You may have to shoot more frequently than if you shot a lower poundage. I would drop poundage if you can't pull the string straight back, or if you are unable to keep your front shoulder down.
Another thing to think about is let off. Most hunting bows are already very high, and most people shoot worse with less holding weight. It is very probable that you will shoot worse at a lower poundage. This is especially true if you use a dynamic shot activation.
May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
I wouldn't push your weight.

You will pay for it at some point. Doesn't matter if it's easy or not.

I look at the body like a motor, a motor is going to make so much horsepower over it's lifetime. You can keep the throttle wide open and use all the horsepower pretty quickly, or take it easy and make it last. Our joints are the same. Everyone is different and will last a certain point, but we all wear out. You can spend 40 years til you pull as much as your shoulder is going to pull til the bearings wear out, or you can go 15.

My thoughts anyways.