Elk broadhead

G5 Dead Meat for me, I've killed my last 3 bulls with one and won't be switching any time soon. Previously I used a plethora of fixed heads which all worked also, I really like the holes the Dead Meats leave and their durability. I've had 3 different brands of fixed heads get trashed from killing elk, all three Dead Meats I've killed elk with can be used again and 2 of them you can't tell have been shot, 1 has a small chip missing off the end of 1 blade.
how thick are the dead meat blades? I can't find an answer anywhere.
Slick Trick Vipertricks for me, although I have been testing accuracy with the Kudu Contour + and like what I am seeing. STs have never let me down.
My first archery kill. NAP Hellrazor 125gr. Total arrow 500gr quartering to me a bit shot: Punched through front Q / through a rib/double lung. This was 25y shot.
I had Hellrazor and Sevr 1.5’s in quiver and nocked based on distance I was shooting in this case 25Y
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I really wanted to try the kudu points but ran across some magnus points I couldn’t pass up so magnus it is at least for this upcoming season.
I carried Magnus broadheads all season. Still struggling to get tuning that I’m happy with to be precise beyond 40 yards. Fixed would be the only type of head I’d choose. I am playing with some new oz cuts but don’t seem sharp. They help stabilize the arrow however!
since pictures make the thread…..(pictured with 3” feathers for a size comparison)

I’m going with the $6 head I’ve used for awhile now- on the right, its blown through many critters- inc Moose, big hogs, deer, etc even when I was shooting 46#.

I thought about trying those Aussie heads- on left- but don’t like the blade angle
Both elk I've shot with Magnus stinger 100gr. and haven't had good blood trails. Recovered both within 100-200 yards though. Switching to QAD Exodus 100gr. this year in hopes of better blood trail.
Stryker V2. Haven’t shot an elk with them but they tune great and carry fantastic in a quiver!
Qad exodus are nice and sharp out of the box and durable.
Magnus black hornet serrazor are also very good
Iron will blades and sharpness retention are tops.
I could head into the elk woods with any one of theses 3 and be happy.