
I deleted my social media 10yrs ago. Haven’t regretted it for a day.

Something I’ve noticed a lot is when I’m talking and people say “Oh yeah I saw that on Facebook”
I think, “Well, I guess there’s no point in this conversation then”
Deleted all social media several years ago, never regretted it. Makes it easier to cut people from High School out of your life, which I liked 😂

This is the only form of Social Media I participate in, and I like it that way. Less drama.
Seems people take fb to seriously.
I sling memes against the wall and see what stick.
stirring the pot daily…
I use it for friends, family and some groups of interest. Not using it for current events or politics makes it tolerable.
Who has gotten rid of facebook? Long story short my pregnant girlfriend is hormonal and emotional and very jealous of girls liking photos, of us mind you as I don't post selfies.
No offense, you probably need to her right in the head if your in this for the long haul
Ask me how I know
Facebook - I used it for "enthusiast" type pages, guns, music, trucks, outdoors, etc. Limited friends to people I actually know.
Posted a comment on a supposed private page and somehow GF found my comment. Basically the thread was about someone burned starting a brush pile with gas. She had a friend do the same thing and it ended up killing the wife. She lost her shit when I mentioned it.
Then I would get random screen shots or texts if I posted something she didn't like or agree with.
See how I know LoL
Anyway shot of that the stupid nonsense I read daily, and the "pray for me" or "prayers sent". I seriously felt better dropping it. I miss a few of the pages but, that's what google is for
Who has gotten rid of facebook? Long story short my pregnant girlfriend is hormonal and emotional and very jealous of girls liking photos, of us mind you as I don't post selfies.
This forum is the only social media I'm willing to engage in. I've never had Facebook or Twitter one any of the others they just seemed like more drama and trouble than they were worth. I really don't give a crap about other people's opinions of me or what I do and I don't care to have any of it on an open site. I made the decision to become a member here due to being comprised of like minded people interested in the same things. I feel it's a useful place to gain and share knowledge and fun to hear how other sportsmen and women are doing throughout the season.
I use it for things other than posting a bunch of pictures. Maybe just don't post any pics until after the baby comes and she's back to normal 🤷‍♂️
I’ve never had any of the FB, Instagram
Or all of the other “look at me” social site. Don’t need them or want them.

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Got rid of it in 2018. No desire to go back to it.
But, I do have instagram. Love looking at the pictures of peoples hunts
I done away with all my social media probably 4 years ago. This is my only “social media” now.
I kicked the habit a few years ago (Facebook), kind of sucks when I want to buy some thing though because Facebook marketplace is pretty great. I still do some Instagram wish I could get rid of that habit now also
Reassure your girl, make sure you're open and she has access to stuff. Pregnant women (even if their beautiful) think there is no way you could be attracted to them. Hormones are out of wack and they are concerned about their security (doubly so if they aren't married to their man I'm sure).

If she wasn't like before pregnancy i wouldn't worry too much and just reassure her. If she was jealous before pregnancy then probably should discuss that too.

My wife and I both have a healthy amount of respect and jealousy for/over each other. The issues is if it becomes unhealthy. My wife has logins to all my stuff, (phone, email, social media, etc.) Almost never looks at it. But she knows I'm fine with her picking up my phone and going through it at any time, I'm not hiding anything! Same goes with her. Just need to define what's important and what boundaries you have!