Help me decide!

Don’t worry they already have thing 3.0 made up, it’s only in the hands of the people who really get after it’s hands. They have all the things and things 2.0 and the not-yet-released thing 3.0. Just wait until after January or February after the shows where they unveil things.. then you could pick up thing or thing 2.0 cheaper because everyone will buy thing 3.0. Things resale value is really good though, so no worries.

There’s is a guy, he’s the king of things. He’s on podcasts and YouTube and instagram. I saw all his things and those are the things I’ll buy.

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Apparently since thing 2.0 doesn’t fit as good as the original thing then maybe thing 2.0 is out. It’s important that my thing fits me very well and since it was reported that thing 2.0 doesn’t fit, then maybe I should wait for thing 3.0 or stay with the original thing.

I hadn’t considered checking Instagram for thing recommendations. That’s next!

I’ll need to check into the swag that’s available for my thing. I do like flat brims better than curved brims! They fit my head better because sometimes my man bun makes curved brims sit too high on my head! 😂

I’m hoping for a few thing stickers too, one for my cooler and one for the rear window on my truck. I’ve already got a spot saved for it!!
I got SWAG hat with my original thing. The flat brims hide my ears really well. Paid a little extra for a handful of stickers and they have great adhesive on them. #representthing #bestthing #stickersonmytruck
This is how I feel when I get a gift card for Christmas. Don’t know what thing to get.

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When I buy a thing, you can bet everything that it's the best thing there is, hands down. So, I'm going to encourage you to buy the thing I bought. If you waver, look askance, even QUESTION buying any other thing I'm going to tell you that you're buying the wrong thing unless you buy my thing. When I buy a thing, it's the thing to buy.
Here's the thing with things. The thing is, when you finally settle on one thing someone else already has a better thing. We say were happy with thing 2.0 when really somewhere in a top secret location thing 4.0 already exists. The funny thing about all of this thinging, is that somewhere, someone has been absolutely successful with thing 1.0. We get way too caught up with the latest and greatest things, when sometimes a thing from the past is the only thing you really need. Now excuse me while I go read a few things about thing 3.0 for a few minutes.
All B.S. things aside 16bore, just what is this thing you are talking about?
Here's the thing with things. The thing is, when you finally settle on one thing someone else already has a better thing. We say were happy with thing 2.0 when really somewhere in a top secret location thing 4.0 already exists. The funny thing about all of this thinging, is that somewhere, someone has been absolutely successful with thing 1.0. We get way too caught up with the latest and greatest things, when sometimes a thing from the past is the only thing you really need. Now excuse me while I go read a few things about thing 3.0 for a few minutes.
All B.S. things aside 16bore, just what is this thing you are talking about?

I'm looking for the thing that puts giant two point on my wall. Where did you get yours?
I'm looking for the thing that puts giant two point on my wall. Where did you get yours?

Here's the thing with that thing in my avatar. I tried to get my wife to shoot that thing, but the thing with her sometimes is, things in a hunting situation just haul ass a little too fast. So I frantically pointed at the thing and exclaimed in my most patient hurry the hell up voice.
"shoot it, shoot it!" "What the f%@k is taking so long? Its getting away!"
Her "I dont see it, are you sure you even see a buck over there?"
The buck is meanwhile about to hit mach 1 going into a hell hole canyon.
Me "babe get out of the way now!"
Her "your crazy, I think your seeing things."
The buck is now approaching mach 1.5 and leaving the county.
My 257wby then said "boom!"
Me "f'n nailed him.
"Her "I think you've lost your mind and are crazy, there is nothing over there."
Me "no, I just shot a really nice forky. Shit, he died right in the hell hole I said I would never kill another buck in"
Her " have fun getting him out, I'm heading back to truck. Meet you at the bottom."
Me "why the hell did I shoot a deer in this canyon? I hate this canyon!"
It was definitely a thing I did not want to do.

Just another August morning somewhere in the mountains of Ft. Hunter Liggett.
I have boxes of those things in my garage. Turns out some things don't work as well as other things. Wish I had all that money I spent on those things still- I could buy some better things with it. Probably should pick up some more storage bins for those things while I'm at it.
All B.S. things aside 16bore, just what is this thing you are talking about?

It’s every thing.

So far I heard 12 hours of Podcasts about things and read all the thing threads and #getthisthing on Instagram.

I finally decided to go with the first thing since the second thing doesn’t fit and thing 3.0 isn’t available yet. My problem now is that the thing I’m going to get comes in 3 colors and I don’t know which one is best. One color of my thing looks really cool, but the other color is more practical and the third thing color is one like a other people who own the same thing have, but I wanted my thing to be a little different than everyone else’s thing!

I’m addition there are 9 other options available beside just the color of my thing. Now I gotta figure out what option is the best. I’m going to go back through my thing reading and see what option of the thing is best for what I’m gonna do with my thing.
It’s every thing.

So far I heard 12 hours of Podcasts about things and read all the thing threads and #getthisthing on Instagram.

I finally decided to go with the first thing since the second thing doesn’t fit and thing 3.0 isn’t available yet. My problem now is that the thing I’m going to get comes in 3 colors and I don’t know which one is best. One color of my thing looks really cool, but the other color is more practical and the third thing color is one like a other people who own the same thing have, but I wanted my thing to be a little different than everyone else’s thing!

I’m addition there are 9 other options available beside just the color of my thing. Now I gotta figure out what option is the best. I’m going to go back through my thing reading and see what option of the thing is best for what I’m gonna do with my thing.

Nothing worse than the color of your thing being off. These things can be quite a burdensome when someone else is judging our things.
I’m just not sure which of the 9 options is best for my thing! Not only do I want my thing to look cool, but it must perform....and I demand the best for what I do!
The best part about a site like this is if we are considering buying this thing there are at least 50 people that have already moved on to the next best thing and can tell you all of the ups and downs of said thing. I do however try to search the forums before asking about whatever thing I'm indecisive about. Hands on experience beats google reviews any day of the week in my opinion.
I wouldn't buy the thing. I read on another site the company has terrible quality and customer service. The guy bought the thing, disassembled it, and couldn't put I back together. He then sent an email on a Sunday to an address that didn't actually belong to the company demanding assistance and then they didn't call him back within the hour. Simply unacceptable.

But if you still want to buy it I would definately recommend starting 5-6 threads on different forums asking for a coupon code. The $3.96 you save will probably ensure the success of your retirement strategy.
When faced with difficult decisions such as this may I suggest going to the Cabelas gun counter and talking to those guys. They always know exactly what thing you need.