How long do you hide new toys from the wife?

As long as the bills are paid, she doesn't care.

Exactly, I helped support my wife with a few bills over the past couple of years that she racked up before we met. As long as rent/mortgage is paid and the lights stay on what ever left over is gravy.

Get her to buy it for you then you don't have to hide it. Haha. Now she makes more than me and just returned the favor with a whole mess of gear from Sitka this christmas.

We don't usually discuss anything under $200 that is just discretionary spending and isn't abused. More $$$ than that and it's goes through a discussion process. She knows I usually do a big remote trip every other year and it is budgeted for. She also knows the nature of my remote trips leaves me 100% reliant on the gear in my pack and that buying quality gear is as much about safety as success. Good boots protects from twisted ankles and slips, tent vs weather, headlamp vs darkness, sleeping bag and clothing vs cold and rain. Every year we lose hunters up here doing the things I do and tipping the odds of that happening a little more in my favor is worth the investment.

I also prioritize her wants as well. This year is an off year for remote hunts and we are instead going on a family vacation to Mexico. I also promised to spend our anniversary together for the first time in quite a while. I think I have managed to be home 4 out if the last 14 so she is pretty excited about that. (on't get married the first week of season if you can avoid it) :)

Next year I am going all out which gives me a plenty of time to budget the $4k for the trip.