I cannot find elk!


May 9, 2018
I spent nearly four weeks in Central Idaho this year in a different unit. I agree with Whisky_Fish. I covered a lot of areas but only heard a total of four bugles the entire time I was there. I got into elk almost everyday I hunted so I knew they were around. This was the first year that I’ve had a lot of encounters and here’s what my takeaway for next year is:

- elk hunting on public otc land is NOT like what you see on YouTube or tv. It can be, but usually isn’t.

- I plan on using more still-hunting tactics as opposed to relying on bugling and trying to find vocal elk the majority of the time because when they’re not talking you’re SOL. All the elk I found (bumped) were completely within stalking diatance before I blew them out and had I not had it in my head that I would call them in (like on YouTube and tv) and instead hunted them based on reading the situation and using my instincts I may have filled my tag.

- every year is different. The situations that I encountered the previous years were completely different than what happened this year. I gotta learn to adapt instead of relying on “let’s do this because it worked last year”

There were plenty of elk in this particular unit but there were also a TON of hunters. Most that I talked to echoed the same observations as mine, silent elk. And most didn’t see anything as well. It might’ve been very likely that they bumped elk without even knowing it. It was also very hot this year, daytime temps were in the mid 70’s the entire month and it didn’t really hit freezing at night like in previous years. I think those two factors made the elk very quiet. Elk hunting is tough and frustrating man, I got my ass handed to me again this year. Maybe next year will be different, but I’ve come to expect that I may not fill my tag next year as well. I’m gonna keep at it though because it has turned into a monkey on my back.
Nov 27, 2013
Elk scat, rubs, trails, etc are all good, but the only elk sign that gets my attention is seeing them, or hearing them. If that doesn't happen, I could be scaling mountains of elk scat using all 4s looking for them, or trying to hear them. For this reason alone, I will never hunt elk in areas that I cannot see. Giant expanses of dark timber are very hard to hunt if elk are not vocal. Still hunt-able yes, but not enjoyable.

Finally elk sign can look very fresh depending on climate. Don't be the sucker.


Mar 4, 2017
Elk scat, rubs, trails, etc are all good, but the only elk sign that gets my attention is seeing them, or hearing them. If that doesn't happen, I could be scaling mountains of elk scat using all 4s looking for them, or trying to hear them. For this reason alone, I will never hunt elk in areas that I cannot see. Giant expanses of dark timber are very hard to hunt if elk are not vocal. Still hunt-able yes, but not enjoyable.

Finally elk sign can look very fresh depending on climate. Don't be the sucker.

I’ve learned the hard way to trust my nose as well.


Dec 9, 2017
I killed my first elk this year in idaho, I found elk by going where I thought no one else would go. I found a nice spot after crossing a stream, trekking through a nasty cow manure mud marsh, and then climbing 2500ft of elevation. I never saw one other hunter
Aug 17, 2018
I killed my first elk this year in idaho, I found elk by going where I thought no one else would go. I found a nice spot after crossing a stream, trekking through a nasty cow manure mud marsh, and then climbing 2500ft of elevation. I never saw one other hunter

Sad thing is with social media these days everyone is Cam Hanes-ing it and trying to do the same thing


Nov 4, 2015
Silent elk are more the result of over calling than wolves. The guys youtubing elk hunts are putting on 10-12 miles a day looking for that one elk that might play. This makes them stars but is not the best way to hunt elk on public OTC units.