Kifaru Bikini Issue / Operator error

Sep 11, 2013
First I want to say I love this pack! It carried the 60lbs I had on my back for my 9 day bow hunt like a dream. Probably carried it too well, because I dropped my elk this year a little ways in. I boned out my bull and carried the whole thing out in one trip down the mountain a mile to camp. Most pack would have ripped at the seams with that amount of weight.

Once I got back to camp I had a five mile hike to the trail head, and split my bull and camp into two trips. On my way out I kept having the frame adjusters I am pointing to in attached photo digging into my back. I had a very heavy load on, and ended up with two sweet bruises where each one was digging into my back. Was I doing something wrong with my adjustments? I really had my load lifts snugged tight. I'd stop and pull the should straps over to cover them, but then they would shift over again. Can anybody help me with this?
I would call the hunting rep and talk with him. He's probably got more experience than anyone else and may be able to meet up with you and check the fitting in person.
Having said that, packing out the entire elk in one trip may have been the biggest issue, as that could have been enough to cause some bruising.
I dont have mine in front of me to look at but i think the straps your pointing at should be in a sleeve between the shoulder pads and the stays.

After a closer look at your picture i do believe everything is set up right. I havent had this problem at all. Might try shortening the shoulder straps and lengthening the load lifters.
This is the reason the bikini did not work for me. I am curious.... How tall are you? What do you weigh?

I think it had to do with my height and the width of my back. I am tall and very thin/narrow back.
An elk in one trip, dam that sounds painful!

It was only a mile to camp straight down a mountain. I had to set the pack up on a rock and then get under it. I wasn't about to hike back up that mountain if I could do it in one trip. It was just a small 4x5 bull though. Once I got back to camp I split the weight of camp and meat in half for the 5 miles back to the truck equating to two miserable trips.
We both had the same thing on the pack review. I think it has more to do with a combination of load weight and torso length. With some work on getting the fit right its possible to get rid of the pressure points in most cases.
I bet it was heavier than that. I had half a bull this year and my pack weighed 160 lbs.

My brother got 340 lbs of boned out meat from that bull.