Legalized robbery that needs to stop.

It is actually written into law for each state that they can do so. The game animals belong to the residents of each state.
I just want one Elk. Cow or bull. You all can fight over the rest if you want. Does Wyoming take in more money than Montana? I don't know where the theft is either. Just looks like a lot of number, some pretty big ones. But I bet some other states have pretty big numbers too? I am 74 and am probably too old to worry about collecting any points. Some of the units I hunt in other states have few elk per unit but I get to hunt and maybe I'll see one and maybe not but I love the hunt but it does help to at least see an Elk now and then.
At this point I can only assume that you're screwing with us. You can't possible be so dense as to think that your google results hold more merit than the census data that LuvsFixedBlades posted.

One would think a man would be embarrassed not to be able to pull his own weight, but then you have to consider the entire state was settled by people willing to live on Satan's butthole because they could get it for free. Sort of brings into focus the attitude of some of their descendants.