No longer hunting?


May 31, 2021
I know some guys who hung up out of state hunting as well as ducks. They all complained about lack of access to tags / areas to hunt and the increasing costs of tags and leases (Ducks). I can't say I blame them but I'll not be retiring my guns anytime soon.


Aug 9, 2022
I can’t say at this point my drive has tapered off even a little but the one thing that’s discouraging to me is the crowding on public land. 1/2 the importance to me is the solitude I find in the backcountry.
I e got 3 boys that are getting into it so it will be interesting to see what different agencies do to get back a quality experience
Agencies are not about quality experiences, but maximizing squeezing the max from NR hunters. That is pretty much the case for all western hunting. The problem is, that they allow more modern and more effective weapons all the time. How many hunters wouldn't hunt without being able to use a compound bow or an inline rifle in ML season? A bunch less, because the success rate would be much smaller and it takes time and dedication to use "primitive" weapons. This led to more demand and also more crowded woods. Another part was to allow too much ATV access and driving game deeper and deeper and then someone figures out another method to go there other than on foot or on horse/pack animals. I am waiting for the E-trikes or quads.....not.
Mismanagement of herds in specific units has led to overharvest, forcing hunters to get deeper into the backcountry. They reduced the draw tags there by 20+% as a result.
Using messed up preference point systems and qualifying licensed for the draw is another sign of maximizing $$$. When they reintroduce the grey pests in CO, their elk herds and revenue will take a big nose dive.
Maybe wolf watching will make up for the revenue....
Feb 24, 2016
Land access is also a big concern for a lot of people. I went through a transition to where neighbors all let neighbors hunt and then the PGC let hunters kill of about every deer around and people turned on each other like rabid racoons.... Now nobody lets the neighbors hunt for ANYTHING.


Oct 19, 2013
I'm thankful to see this thread and know it's not only me that is feeling this way. I used to be obsessed with hunting but am not that way any longer, I had points in multiple states but quit applying. I'm content now with a couple tags in my pocket, deer and elk, maybe a late season whitetail doe tag to extend my season a bit. My favorite hunt every year is to go back to So Cal and hunt D16 with my Dad and the couple friends that still go up to deer camp, used to be there'd be 30 guys spread out over the hills in a dozen jeep at least but they've all either died or moved away so there's only 5 or so that still go up. I'll end up with 6-7 tags this year but if I fill 2 of them I'm doing good, it's not that I can't fill more, it's just that I choose not to.

My daughter is 10 and is wanting to get out and go hunting now so it will be more about her in the future.

I will never quit hunting but I am evolving as a hunter and what I like to do.


Nov 15, 2017
Me sadly. Having a son, getting married, running 2 companies.. I’m trying to get back into fishing/hunting once I move back west in 4 weeks. Selling my companies, but will be starting another when I go back west. Hopefully I’ll have more time to do so

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Nov 14, 2020
I’ve always said this:
The way I want to die is to be shot by a jealous boyfriend, crushed by an ornery horse, or have a heart attack on a steep ridge while chasing muley’s.

I don’t chase skirts anymore, I hardly ever ride a horse cause it hurts my knees too bad. Still got the fire in my belly to chase deer, and I’m starting to have ticker problems, so I still might get the last one done!! It actually sounds pretty good to me compared to a slow death in bed. The only thing wrong with it, it’s inconsiderate to my hunting partners, who will have to deal with my raggedy ass old corpse.

I actually just love to go out in the woods with friends and family. I like to take a middling size muley buck if the opportunity presents. If not, I’m fine with that too. I think most of us as we get older find our motivations changing for lots of things. Not just hunting.