Now they did it. Elk statue burned.


Apr 28, 2019
Lol what a joke. If message is so good and clear what makes you think anyone here can understand it.

Happy 4th of July! God bless America!

Could you type a post that made a PETA member understand hunting? Probably not, they haven’t had any exposure. This is no different and the responses above highlight it.


Oct 17, 2016
New Mexico
Could you type a post that made a PETA member understand hunting? Probably not, they haven’t had any exposure. This is no different and the responses above highlight it.
If a PETA member asked me to explain how I feel about hunting I would certainly try. Please enlighten us to the grand plan here.
Jun 7, 2018
South Carolina
I think your boy brsnow is either pulling an ultimate troll, or loose in the noggin. Seems a little too altruistic and veiled.

I do believe that there will be another war going on before the year is out. It will be another Civil one

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Jul 17, 2017
And that is what is at the core of this, a philosophical disagreement on whether a person has agency and the freedom to make choices to better his/her future or they are completely predetermined to be successful/unsuccessful based on their race/sex/socioeconomic status and govt programs/policies. Maybe I am just “not woke” enough, but I believe strongly on the former and fail to subscribe to the latter. I am not so naive as to think there isn’t issues with criminal justice and economic policies that could use reform but let’s not throw the baby out with a bath water as many on the left would prescribe. I remain hopeful that cooler heads will prevail. Happy 4th of July and be proud of the greatest experiment in free governance the world has ever seen, America!


Oct 17, 2016
New Mexico
And that is what is at the core of this, a philosophical disagreement on whether a person has agency and the freedom to make choices to better his/her future or they are completely predetermined to be successful/unsuccessful based on their race/sex/socioeconomic status and govt programs/policies. Maybe I am just “not woke” enough, but I believe strongly on the former and fail to subscribe to the latter. I am not so naive as to think there isn’t issues with criminal justice and economic policies that could use reform but let’s not throw the baby out with a bath water as many on the left would prescribe. I remain hopeful that cooler heads will prevail. Happy 4th of July and be proud of the greatest experiment in free governance the world has ever seen, America!
Cooler heads will prevail, of the people I've mentioned growing up with that have declared themselves comrades of communism, 2 of them are the children of an Italian immigrant whom he and and his brother owned 6 pizza shops together in south NJ. The kids have attended private school for thier entire education, given anything they wanted and were handed businesses to run, that they ran into the ground. How they can be the direct benefit of free enterprise and capitalism to a point of being some of the most privileged, and preach against it even calling for abolishing restaurants shows how jumbled thier brains are. These kids have also been doing the best designer drugs since high school and are at best a bit detached from reality.
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Jan 22, 2014
Gulf Coast
Just remember, we fought and won our battle for freedom against another country. The diseased hooligans running rampant through our streets raising hell and throwing rocks are a mere blip on the radar screen in the history of this country.
Stay strong, maintain, and do not fear. We have endured much worse.
Happy Independence Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Apr 28, 2019
I think your boy brsnow is either pulling an ultimate troll, or loose in the noggin. Seems a little too altruistic and veiled.

I do believe that there will be another war going on before the year is out. It will be another Civil one

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Not at all, and my views/experience are not rare. The young previous right wing vote is shifting to libertarian in good numbers as well. The youngsters love Jo. Seeing a group of people start to fight for rights, isn’t an attack on mine. It is realization that they are as important to the USA as anyone one of us here.


Feb 18, 2018
Dr. Jo Jorgensen is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Clemson University. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology -- Yes this is what we need more brainwashing from academia. This is the reason this movement is going on. Brainwashed rich girls from elite colleges. Emotions instead of sulutions. good luck with that


Oct 17, 2016
New Mexico
Dr. Jo Jorgensen is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Clemson University. She holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology -- Yes this is what we need more brainwashing from academia. This is the reason this movement is going on. Brainwashed rich girls from elite colleges. Emotions instead of sulutions. good luck with that
Industrial/Organizational Psychology . Yes something tells me individuality is not very involved.


Apr 20, 2016
This is all smoke , all of it. They are running out of shelter and panicking . They will destroy the country to save their ases. The crimes against our country and people will shock the world. Some will have a hard time with the awakening.
Jun 21, 2020
They are useful idiots dancing a a puppeteer's dance. The ones manipulating the strings are in the shadows and their objective is the dissolution of our country and its way of government.
Follow the money.
No one can deny that, despite progress, we have more work to do as a country and a society in terms of becoming blind to race. Hopefully, if any good at all can be gleaned from this sh*t show, it will be that people who wouldn't have considered their own attitudes and thoughts, will take the time to do an honest assessment and act on their conclusions in a positive manner.
There are some truly well intended people out there hoping to make us a better society. But make no mistake, their efforts are being twisted and stolen by people who ascribe to a Marxist ideology and whose end game is not just racial equality.
I've broken my own code by even commenting on this in a public way. I don't do social media AT ALL and rarely comment in public. But today is the birthday of the greatest human experiment in self governance in the history of our species. We live in a place where, if a person is willing to do the work, they can achieve vertical mobility though economic strata and enjoy rights and freedoms not found anywhere else on earth. Being an American is an idea, not an ethnic history. Any person can come here, ( the work) and be a vibrant, integral part of the experiment.
Look at the crowds doing so much of the destruction. Lots of them, and I mean LOTS, are wearing designer clothes, are slightly to extremely "well fed", and holding thousand dollar phones while they are screaming autistically about how life here just SUCKS and everything needs to be torn down. The water they sat over and crapped into that morning was cleaner than what 90% of the rest of the worlds population gets to drink. I know, because I've seen it.
Lack of discipline and perspective is a cancer among much of us right now. The fastest fix for that is a catastrophic dose of reality. I pray it never comes to that.
So my Betsy Ross is flying in front of my house today as it does every 4th. Every time I hoist it I reflect on the funerals I have attended for men and women who paid a profound price to uphold the dreams of the men who originally fought under that flag.
I realize this may come across to some as the old man at the end of his driveway screaming at clouds, but it's just my way to appeal to an audience I value, to take an honest look at how lucky we are to be part of this imperfect, flawed, and messy yet beautiful experiment. We can each resolve to do our small parts to make it, and us, better.
Rant switch - OFF.
i agree with you 100% and believe whole heartily that the real problem lies in the lack of respect and discipline for authority, this is not about race its about love and respect for our fellow citizens. i love my country for what it is and what it stands for and will do all i can to protect what it was founded on. like you i also hate the social media and do not have any other public forums but am sick of the crap that is out there today. I hope all true county loving americans have a wonderful 4th of July .
Dec 22, 2018
The Founders, Jefferson, Franklin, and Paine, the men who violently overthrew their own government via radical revolution, with massive support from their government's bitterest enemy (France), and who subsequently threw their own wholehearted support behind France's own revolution, with all its excesses.....would TOTALLY just want people to stay home and be good..... :ROFLMAO:
Jun 7, 2018
South Carolina
Not at all, and my views/experience are not rare. The young previous right wing vote is shifting to libertarian in good numbers as well. The youngsters love Jo. Seeing a group of people start to fight for rights, isn’t an attack on mine. It is realization that they are as important to the USA as anyone one of us here.

I guess that’s what I don’t really understand. They have had all of the same rights for 60 years. I don’t really understand what rights have been lost???! Please clarify.

We are all able to make decisions and choices. We all have the same inalienable rights. Where did they go for those who claim they have none? It’s all rather laughable. GIMME GIMME GIMME but don’t make me work for or have any accountability. It’s all a riot. Pun intended. The fact that I paid $50k in taxes this year makes me physically ill with all of the rioting and destruction.

And yes many young Republicans, myself included, have libertarian leanings. Unfortunately, there isn’t much chance of that occurring with all of the polarization in politics. It’s too bad COVID isn’t more virulent. The planet could use less people along all walks and talks of life

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Jun 29, 2017
The Founders, Jefferson, Franklin, and Paine, the men who violently overthrew their own government via radical revolution, with massive support from their government's bitterest enemy (France), and who subsequently threw their own wholehearted support behind France's own revolution, with all its excesses.....would TOTALLY just want people to stay home and be good..... :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, they’d really want everyone out there supporting an ideology that is the antithesis of the one they founded a nation on: Marxism.
Jun 29, 2017
China is trying to finish what the Soviet Union was not capable of - brainwashing the US people to turn against their own founding ideals, violently in the streets after subverting the cultural identity of the youth. Straight out of the Bolshevik/Maoist revolutions. I look forward to the gulag or re-education camp I’ll be tossed in by the Godless, Marxist sociopaths that take over the nation as “we all” take the high road. Fun.