Now they did it. Elk statue burned.

May 22, 2014
The problem is all these people didn’t get their ass whipped when they were kids for being disrespectful and doing dumb things now they’ve grown up into adults playing stupid games. At what point do these people get treated like the criminals they are? And what good comes from a protest turning into this kinda crap? By all means protest if you want to but it’s senseless to do things like this and in reality I think it takes away from the message they want to get across.
Mar 22, 2019
They are useful idiots dancing a a puppeteer's dance. The ones manipulating the strings are in the shadows and their objective is the dissolution of our country and its way of government.
Follow the money.
No one can deny that, despite progress, we have more work to do as a country and a society in terms of becoming blind to race. Hopefully, if any good at all can be gleaned from this sh*t show, it will be that people who wouldn't have considered their own attitudes and thoughts, will take the time to do an honest assessment and act on their conclusions in a positive manner.
There are some truly well intended people out there hoping to make us a better society. But make no mistake, their efforts are being twisted and stolen by people who ascribe to a Marxist ideology and whose end game is not just racial equality.
I've broken my own code by even commenting on this in a public way. I don't do social media AT ALL and rarely comment in public. But today is the birthday of the greatest human experiment in self governance in the history of our species. We live in a place where, if a person is willing to do the work, they can achieve vertical mobility though economic strata and enjoy rights and freedoms not found anywhere else on earth. Being an American is an idea, not an ethnic history. Any person can come here, ( the work) and be a vibrant, integral part of the experiment.
Look at the crowds doing so much of the destruction. Lots of them, and I mean LOTS, are wearing designer clothes, are slightly to extremely "well fed", and holding thousand dollar phones while they are screaming autistically about how life here just SUCKS and everything needs to be torn down. The water they sat over and crapped into that morning was cleaner than what 90% of the rest of the worlds population gets to drink. I know, because I've seen it.
Lack of discipline and perspective is a cancer among much of us right now. The fastest fix for that is a catastrophic dose of reality. I pray it never comes to that.
So my Betsy Ross is flying in front of my house today as it does every 4th. Every time I hoist it I reflect on the funerals I have attended for men and women who paid a profound price to uphold the dreams of the men who originally fought under that flag.
I realize this may come across to some as the old man at the end of his driveway screaming at clouds, but it's just my way to appeal to an audience I value, to take an honest look at how lucky we are to be part of this imperfect, flawed, and messy yet beautiful experiment. We can each resolve to do our small parts to make it, and us, better.
Rant switch - OFF.


Apr 28, 2019
There are a few bad apples, just like poachers make all hunters look bad, but the core is solid and change is coming and needed.