Opinion time... Problem or...?

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May 13, 2015
I have no issue with party haunting that is legal. Some states, and the last time I looked, Ca had a limit on the number of people that can be in a drive hunt, i.e., the number of people pushing deer.

As far as everything else, F&W as was pointed out is exceptionally limited in there numbers in this state. Frankly they desperately need our help when possible. Is short, when we see something, we need to be doing their job. What I mean is we need to be calling them, reporting what we saw, and to safely gather any evidence we can.

For example, just this season I witnessed a small group shoot an illegal buck and abandon it. The group had no idea I was there (1/2 to 3/4 mile away. watching the whole incident. Upon abandoning the buck (hiding it in some brush and covering it), I called Cal-Tip and reported it. I informed the operator that I would be trying to get the perpetrators pictures. I managed to get several good pictures of the small group. I then went to search for the abandoned buck. While searching the warden called me and informed me she was about 1 hour away and would call again when closer. I informed her I was searching for the buck and would take pictures of it. I found it and did so. I then began hiking out toward a location we could meet up at. This turned out to be an experience in itself, that was complicated by a a lack of a cell signal. But we managed to meet up. I had already sent all the pictures to her cell and with them she knew she had a slam dunk case built for her. So she knew that with her limited fuel budget, this was a call worth responding to.

I never confronted the group, I just managed to stealthy get several pictures of them.

If your worried about our herd numbers, you need to be active in assisting in the factors you can that are impacting our herd numbers. Poaching is but one, predation is another in which we can take action to assist our herds.

The cost of pig tags, yeah I get it, they are an invasive feral species which is classified as big game, thus requiring a tag. I recently purchased 6 tags for a grand total over $100.00. However, our F&W department is responsible for pig management and clearly there have associated costs. But I would agree, the tag fee is excessive in my book. But on the other side of that coin is I will fill every tag I purchase so I will have a full freezer year round. So the tag fee in my case, is not a problem in my view. And to top it off, during my pig forays, I often see F&W. So I know my money is well spent.

But back to group hunters. The fact is that, from my experience, the game animals know when it is deer season in areas where groups of people move in suddenly. The response of mature deer is to move. So what is left generally is immature deer, i.e, young bucks. Additionally, the success rate is what 10 to 30% in the vast majority of zones. To top that that off, the old rule of 10% of the hunters every year kill 90% or more of the deer. And, those 10% are very much the same people every year. So in shore, large group hunting in general, over the long run, has a smaller success rate that the zones predicted success rate. Unless of course someone(s) in the large group is one of the 10%. No, I have no problem with large group hunting, other than the possible legality. I simply chose to pack in and get away from the crowds.

I simply put the work in by making the long hike into the area I hunt numerous times during the off season. I have put the work in, and know the escape routes, the seasonal food supplies and the preferred order of these seasonal foods, the areas used, when and why the animals use different areas, their hidey holes when the pressure gets high... I know their summer range, their winter range...

In short, I know how to fill my tags. But I also know when to end a hunt and help out F&W, thus helping our herds. I threw the towel in on a magnificent buck so that these poachers could be caught. What are you all doing. (that is a rhetorical question intended to be food for thought and NOT be answered).


Aug 5, 2019
There's upwards of 30 guys hunting out of one camp!

Doesn't give the game or other hunters in the area much of a chance.

I would bet that 15 groups of 2 or 30 individuals that take their hunting seriously will kill way more deer.

The more people I’m with, the less likely I am to be successful. Probably why I hunt 99% solo. My favorite (only?) hunting partner lives almost 3000 miles away. We get together every few years for a week.

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Aug 30, 2018
woodpile, Commiefornia
I need to hunt more?
I need to go hunt out of state?
What solutions are those?

You send me a third freezer to fill and more mouths to feed and you'll see me hunt more. But I certainly won't be spending my hard earned dollars to travel and stay out of state and pay out of state hunter fees to do the very thing I can do here for next to nothing.
And why should I have to run to another state to hunt unfamiliar grounds when I've got areas here all figured out.

What's more frustrating is knowing that I'm capable of killing game dispite these obsticles but knowing that my son, a young, novice hunter doesn't get the enjoyment of an easy day hunt where dads got a buck lined up for him...12 guys shot half a dozen holes in that forky as soon as the sun came up on the opener. Now he's gotta put in the same effort im expending as a capable adult just to "get away from the group hunters".

He cannot physically pack into the high country and live off his back and pack out a harvest like we can.
His first experiences hunting should be memorable for the game animals he saw and the opportunities he had or missed. Or because he was successful or whatever but the memories should never be that time he had to pick up someone's trash or couldn't fill a tag because all he saw was group hunters instead of game. He shouldn't have to walk ten miles in a day of 90-100 degree temps just to see a handful of does if he's lucky.
California doesn't care, they just want to make sure he's not using lead ammo or killing cats.
Sep 22, 2013
What is not depicted here is the hardware and gangster approach to hunting in the area. I've spoken with guys who had Hmong gangs "hunting" with AR15s claiming a half dressed deer as their own, using the whole "...we shot it first, you are gutting our animal" argument despite the fact the buck had one bullet hole in him. They aggressively took the deer from these hunters. Not saying they all are like this but there sure is plenty enough of em to keep me away from the Fresno area.
Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az
I wasn't telling you to hunt out of state... I was saying the issues you are whining about happen everywhere...
If your 12 year old boy can't hike in, get him in shape. Carry his stuff for him, pack out his deer for him. Public land hunting is just that.. If you want him to be able to drive up and shoot a forky, buy some land and hunt your land. If you can't do that, get better at hunting public land. I guess your whole rant just sounds like mountains out of mole hills. I had areas I used to hunt that USED to be fantastic. Now there are 30 UTV's an hour that rip up and down all the trails. Guess what, I didn't whine about it, I found a new area to hunt that did not have this problem. Comiefornia is pretty big...... Adapt or get left behind


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
What is not depicted here is the hardware and gangster approach to hunting in the area. I've spoken with guys who had Hmong gangs "hunting" with AR15s claiming a half dressed deer as their own, using the whole "...we shot it first, you are gutting our animal" argument despite the fact the buck had one bullet hole in him. They aggressively took the deer from these hunters. Not saying they all are like this but there sure is plenty enough of em to keep me away from the Fresno area.p

That sucks, but they should have stood their ground and told them to go get.........well you know.
By aggressively you mean? Fist fight? Knife fight? Pointing guns at each other? Or did they just straight up tell them to leave?
Sep 22, 2013
Six teenagers all carrying ARs dragged one deer off and told the two hunters they really "...didn't belong in these woods." Very much a hostile take. Two guys with bolt action rifles versus six semi-autos...they let it go. GW in the area was notified but nothing ever became of it. Hmong gangs have a rep here.


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
Six teenagers all carrying ARs dragged one deer off and told the two hunters they really "...didn't belong in these woods." Very much a hostile take. Two guys with bolt action rifles versus six semi-autos...they let it go. GW in the area was notified but nothing ever became of it. Hmong gangs have a rep here.

Wow, hostile indeed. Sixs ARs vs two bolt guns definitely throws a wrench in the plan. You think law enforcement would have been all over that. It's a damn shame crap like that has to happen out here.


Jul 20, 2018
Posts like this are funny because you are actually the snowflake here. Yes, you. There are THOUSANDS of pics of large deer camps full of white dudes. And that’s just the thing: there is no criticism here of a bunch of dorky accented Wisconsinites running deer drives or MAGA hat wearing, tobacco spitting groups dogging deer in SC. The undertone of this thread is this: “there are a bunch of people who don’t look like me killing deer in large groups, but those large groups of white dudes doing basically the same thing? They are harmless.”

I’m sure you are going to dig your heels in, so go ahead and knock us out with a profound philosophy that somehow makes this an issue of *theoretically* keeping the white man down by merely questioning the implications present in this thread.

You know...I started to type out a well-reasoned response to you. But then I was reminded of the progressive garbage typically spewed from you on this site and decided it would be a waste of time. In your mind you're so "woke" that nothing I say to you would even have an impact.

Despite the fact that you were the VERY first in this thread to make it a skin color issue, you'll continue to think that the problem lies somewhere other than in the mirror. Your need to bring Trump and MAGA hats into a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with either tells me all I need to know about you. "Poser" certainly fits.

Go ahead and respond because I know you will, but you'll just be responding for your fellow limp-wristed liberal types. I'm not going round and round with a progressive over this because it will go absolutely nowhere. You'll continue to think I'm racist and I'll continue not caring. So, go high five with your skinny jean bros about how you got me during your next Antifa meeting...I'll be over here not giving a damn what you think.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
You know...I started to type out a well-reasoned response to you. But then I was reminded of the progressive garbage typically spewed from you on this site and decided it would be a waste of time. In your mind you're so "woke" that nothing I say to you would even have an impact.

Despite the fact that you were the VERY first in this thread to make it a skin color issue, you'll continue to think that the problem lies somewhere other than in the mirror. Your need to bring Trump and MAGA hats into a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with either tells me all I need to know about you. "Poser" certainly fits.

Go ahead and respond because I know you will, but you'll just be responding for your fellow limp-wristed liberal types. I'm not going round and round with a progressive over this because it will go absolutely nowhere. You'll continue to think I'm racist and I'll continue not caring. So, go high five with your skinny jean bros about how you got me during your next Antifa meeting...I'll be over here not giving a damn what you think.

This is hilarious.
Sep 22, 2013
Your real problem is California... Period.

The real problem is liberalism and it's spreading quickly, coming to a town near you soon. Blaming California is like blaming the cancer patient for cancer...better focus on the disease, not the location. 27% of people living in CA are NOT FROM THIS COUNTRY.


Jul 14, 2019
The real problem is liberalism and it's spreading quickly, coming to a town near you soon. Blaming California is like blaming the cancer patient for cancer...better focus on the disease, not the location. 27% of people living in CA are NOT FROM THIS COUNTRY.
the location is terminal. long past time to cut it off.😁
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