Preparing dog to hike


Sep 11, 2013
practice 100% voice recall. you call, he comes running.

and maybe rattlesnake training? he is gonna hike you to death..dont worry about his conditioning. :)


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Staff member
Feb 24, 2012
Liberty Lake, WA
In my country that is very brushy I like a bell so I can hear magnum. Also because of the wolf issue I keep him very close wth a training color using the beeper to bring him back constantly when getting out of sight or I can't hear the bell. You will have fun with your compadre afield and make some great memories.


Feb 13, 2013
Being from the same neck of the woods as Ross I agree with the training collar. I chose a collar that beeps, applies a very quick minute shock combined with a beep and a full fledge shock. I always have two dogs with me and have trained both extensively when pups the way I want them to behave. I only need to use the collar on one dog as she likes to venture just a little farther than I like given our wolf population up here. After training her with the collar one time all I have to do is hit the beep button and she immediately comes right to my side no matter where she is at. I also had to use this on her for chasing ungulates once and now she just watches them closely and continually checks back with me to see if its ok to go closer. I also have them trained when I whistle myself to come or look my directing which is when I give hand signals to what I want them to do. I personally don't go with a bell or whistle when I'm out in the woods due to the fact that I love observing wildlife and those both tend to scare most wildlife, not that two running dogs don't. Like many others have stated you get out of a dog what you put in. Get him started young and you will have a hiking companion for life that you can't go without. The second I pull any sort of camo or hiking boot out of the closet my two are waiting right next to the door tails going 100 MPH, enjoy.