Question for the super nerds! (Clamping force and torque values)

May 26, 2020
Ok, I'm bouncing around in my own head here trying to figure this out and I'm just not smart enough for this one. These questions are directed towards scope rings but would apply to other facets as well.

Question 1: Is clamping force additive? Is it really that simple?
Ill use easy numbers for the sake of simplicity. For example, a picatinny scope ring clamp with 1 screw vs 2 screws. If the the single screw was torqued to 60 inch pounds and the 2 screw system was torqued to 30 inch pounds would the same amount of clamping force be applied to the rail? How about a 3 screw design with a spec of 20 inch pounds?

Question 2: In relation to Question 1, does the surface area of the clamp have an effect on the overall force applied? Does a 1 inch wide ring torqued to 20 inch pounds have the same amount of pressure applied as a 1/2" wide ring torqued to the same spec just with more holding power?

Help put my curiosities to rest! Thanks