Shin splints


Mar 17, 2015
They suck.

I've gotten back into running again, and it seems they've reared their head again.

Any suggestions/cures?

For me, this is a bit more of a critical subject than for others because I've have multiple bilateral stress fractures very badly before (15 left leg; 17 right leg). That was more than 17 years ago, so they've healed, but I don't want to repeat that "fun".

There is a book titled "Fixing Your Feet" I got mine at REI. Lots of remedies there POSE runners don't get shin splints, achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciatis maybe, but no shin splints, especially if they squat.
You're probably striking too hard on your heels. Count your strides per minute. You should be 170-180 strides per minute. This will force you to have a faster turnover on your stride and you will tend to land with your footstrike underneath your body instead of out in front of it. Landing in front puts a lot of stress on your lower legs and can result in a myriad of issues, shin splints being one of them.
I used to get them all the time. I was a heel striker. I have forced myself to become more neutral or even a forefoot striker. It has helped, although i still get them a little bit. It isn't nearly as bad though.
Freeze some paper cups then ice your shins. Rub quickly up and down. That's a relief from the pain but as others have said try to address preventing them

That's almost assuredly it, and I'll try to get a count and work on that.


Probably the same issue, so thanks for that.


Treating them is one thing; prevention another. Appreciate the suggestion.


I'll check into that. Thanks.
Great advice. I typically never get them around home but often got them while hunting in the hills. I just worked through it as I am stubborn and dont have a lot of quit in me but dang it is sure nice to know what to do!
Have you tried compression sleeves? I used to get them bad but I now wear compression sleeves religiously when I run and have had no issues since.
Fought these damn things terrible last year and most of my life. Spent most of the winter not running to let everything heal. Before starting this year I met with a running coach/shoe salesman and had him fit a pair of shoes to me and my running style, heal striker and I dont pronate so I land on the outside edge of my foot and don't roll enough inwards from what I learned. I was also told to heal walk, like what was mentioned above, and both of these made a huge difference this year and I haven't had them yet. Knock on wood.
Once healed up, my suggestion is to stretch and strengthen your calf muscles. Strengthen by running uphill, doing calf raises, etc... That's what did it for me. The right shoes will help a bit as well, and make sure to replace them when they get worn out. I didn't make any other changes to running form or anything else.
I eventually had to cut out running, completely, for 5 months. Shin splints suck.