Solo Campfire

Jun 5, 2017
Portland, OR
For those of you who camp/hunt solo, do you typically build yourself a fire at night? I never have while solo and wondering why I haven't. I guess I was just being lazy and didn't feel like it was necessary. Have a 7 day solo hunt and maybe I'll try it.
When I hunt first of all I spend all my time hunting rather than sitting around camp, so for that reason I do not ever build a campfire. Also I usually do everything I can to keep a very low profile camp. This reasoning is typically for early to mid season hunts when it stays light out until fairly late.
I never have while solo. Get back to/set up camp, eat, sleep. I may watch a downloaded movie or listen to a podcast, but never have a fire. If I needed to dry out, then I probably would but that's a different situation.
I don’t in September. once the days get shorter and I have more time in the evening I will sometimes build a small fire and put it out before bed.
No never, Had had a few fires with friends in camp but generally only at camp to sleep and eat.
If you have the time or energy to build a campfire.....then you aren't hunting hard enough!!!

Actually, to be honest, the thought of a fire escaping me worries me to much. I've seen several spots that fires have escaped sheep herders.
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Only if I'm wet. It's usually close to 10 by the time I'm back to camp, chowed and packed for the morning.....which starts in the 4 o'clock hour.

I'm more apt to have a fire mid day.
Typically not. Even when with a small group, we’re generally tired enough to not mess with one. I love one when just camping or fishing, but it’s rarely a priority when hunting. I’ve never really considered why.
No, I'm too focused on the goals at hand. I rarely get to hunt solo, almost my entire life I've been dragging kids along and wife along, it's very rare to get the peace and quiet to myself. On the rare occasion I'm hunting alone I'm completely focused on the goal or activities that further the goal, love to explore and scout. I'm likely eating quick no cook foods and either moving or settling up camp to go to bed. If I'm fishing or camping alone and conditions are nice then almost always I'll have a fire, I'm much less aggressive in accomplishing a cooler full of fish and happy if I catch a few then relax.
I don't build one every night. This is gonna sound corny, but to me being in the woods is more than just hunting. It's a time to decompress and just enjoy myself. There isn't much more satisfying after a day of getting your butt kicked than the first whisps of goats beard and kindling taking off.
I don't think I have lit more than 5 campfires in over 50years. In a stove in a tent- nearly every night. One a functional event -- the other an unnecessary stinky event.
I used to, but we've had so many "Red Flag" periods lately that I haven't in a few years. I got used to not doing it. It's not just sparks. There's also the risk of long-smoldering fires in underground roots igniting weeks later. I don't always camp near water (making drown-it-out a pain) and don't want to be "that guy."
You all go back to camp? Real hunters just sleep on the side of the mountain. Real real hunters don’t sleep at all.

I rarely start fires unless it’s late season hunts.
I like the idea of an evening fire more than the effort of actually getting one made, maintained, and subsequently put out.

Most of my hunts are early season where the day length and temperatures don't really align with an evening fire. Like others have said, by the time I get back to camp and arrange myself for the next day, it's time time to get some sleep.

Late season has been a hotel affair for the last several years. If I were doing more hunts mid-October to mid-November I would probably have more fires, either during the day or evening.