Some numbers on Corona Virus


Jul 2, 2018
Consider this, when is the last time you heard of, or seen, an entire hospital inundated and brought to its knees because of the flu? Where entire units, and in some cases entire hospitals are strictly designated to the care of flu victims that require ventilatory support? This is happening in several densely populated parts of our nation, and this is occurring even with self isolation in place. The whole purpose of self isolation is obviously to reduce the spread of C19, and for all intensive purposes, it will accomplish that, to what extent, we will never know. If we as a nation did absolutely nothing at all to circumvent the spread of this disease, and by the time it was all over with, hundreds of thousands of Americans perished because of that, you’d probably be hard-pressed to find anybody that wouldn’t agree that we should have done more. If on the other hand, we did absolutely everything in our power to stop the spread, and in the end there were only a few tens of thousands of Americans that died from it, there would most definitely be many people that would claim that, it wasn’t all that bad after all, and we overreacted.

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No disagreeing, this is probably worse but not unheard of.

California hospitals have been compared to a war zone with emergency tents used for major disasters set up in parking lots to treat patients suffering from this year's deadly flu outbreak.

Scores of overcrowded and understaffed facilities are treating patients in hallways, turning storage closets into hospital rooms and cancelling surgeries to have more staff to tend to flu patients.
Oct 7, 2013
Salt Lake City, Utah
Over 14,000 deaths in the US over a 1-2 month span with many regions just starting to experience positive cases. All while extreme measures are taking place to self isolate and quarantine which has probably prevented an even larger number of deaths.

I find this post very ignorant. Call a nurse/physician/respiratory therapist/etc who is working in New York, Washington, NJ, etc and ask them how this looks compared to the flu. Ask the hospitals who are losing millions to billions of dollars from suspending all elective surgeries and closing down floors to create extra space for the COVID19 patient influx.

Maybe it is difficult to fully understand the situation if your local COVID outbreak isn't too bad. Maybe it is difficult to understand the situation if you don't work in the medical field. I can understand this. But remember that even with extreme measures, the state of New York had over 700 deaths in the last 24 hours. Without extreme measures this number would likely be much much higher, and without extreme measures we have situations like New York popping up all over the country and find ourself in an even bigger hole when it comes to PPE and medical staff.


Aug 25, 2015
What they have reported is insanely low.....when you consider everything going on elsewhere.
They probably spend a great deal of time and energy to come up with the lowest numbers, gullible people will believe.
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Aug 25, 2015
Nobody believes anything that doesn't fit their agenda anymore. If they want to be panicked, they won't listen to a single thing that tells them they're crazy. If they don't think it's a big deal, they won't listen to anybody (including scientists) that are saying we should be seriously worried about this.
LOL "NOBODY"? I'm somebody and I reluctantly believe things that don't fit my agenda. I'd say most people are real stubborn including me.

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Dec 22, 2018
Over 14,000 deaths in the US over a 1-2 month span with many regions just starting to experience positive cases. All while extreme measures are taking place to self isolate and quarantine which has probably prevented an even larger number of deaths.

I find this post very ignorant. Call a nurse/physician/respiratory therapist/etc who is working in New York, Washington, NJ, etc and ask them how this looks compared to the flu. Ask the hospitals who are losing millions to billions of dollars from suspending all elective surgeries and closing down floors to create extra space for the COVID19 patient influx.

Maybe it is difficult to fully understand the situation if your local COVID outbreak isn't too bad. Maybe it is difficult to understand the situation if you don't work in the medical field. I can understand this. But remember that even with extreme measures, the state of New York had over 700 deaths in the last 24 hours. Without extreme measures this number would likely be much much higher, and without extreme measures we have situations like New York popping up all over the country and find ourself in an even bigger hole when it comes to PPE and medical staff.

Wait a second. We should feel bad for hospitals losing money?


Aug 25, 2015
I find this post very ignorant.
Because you disagree with it? People overuse ignorant too much. I refrain from using it myself.
Call a nurse/physician/respiratory therapist/etc who is working in New York, Washington, NJ, etc and ask them how this looks compared to the flu.
You say rhetorically, I hope? 🤷‍♀️ OK, call the same
professionals in some big city that doesn't have high infection rates? They might say it's not that bad. I'm saying the logic in your argument is very week, but you don't sound very ignorant. Bill
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Aug 25, 2015
But remember that even with extreme measures, the state of New York had over 700 deaths in the last 24 hours. Without extreme measures this number would likely be much much higher, and without extreme measures we have situations like New York popping up all over the country and find ourself in an even bigger hole when it comes to PPE and medical staff.
No place is like New York City, thank God. It is a tragedy that so many are suffering there, however, they live on top of each other, that's why the virus spread so fast there and they are suffering so much. Also, because the state and city are run by Democrats. I don't believe New York City is a representation of the US. God forbid other states and cities model New York City. I pray that New York City can get past this quickly. Bill
Aug 16, 2019
I'm sorry, but I'm tired of hearing/reading about how "this is just like the flu, or not even as bad"... wake up.
There will be endless debate about how the pandemic is/was handled, but don't try to minimize the effects of what would happen to the country without taking some fairly drastic measures.
My wife is a nurse, and we get spooked by people's lack of basic understanding of this thing, leading to ignorant actions.

AK Troutbum nailed it early in this thread. This is not the flu.


Nov 15, 2017
Taking these measures I believe is the right thing, but it is getting a little out of hand with giving jail time, etc.
The whole China thing... you’ve got to have your head buried real deep in the mud if you believe the numbers. I was talking with a buddy in China and he said that people are dying left and right and they are just throwing masses amount of bodies in holes and covering them. I do think this pandemic is going to last a few more months, especially because Wuhan just opened backed up. China is going to get blasted with a second round here shortly and the US media will somehow blame it on us.

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Feb 13, 2019
No place is like New York City, thank God. It is a tragedy that so many are suffering there, however, they live on top of each other, that's why they are suffering so much. I don't believe New York City is a representation of the US. God forbid other states and cities model New York City. I pray that New York City can get past this quickly. Bill

Per the link below today is NY's peak resource usage date.

Hopefully that holds true.

NY is also projected to have 13.3k of the estimated 60k deaths by August 1st. You are exactly right NYC is not a good representation of the US.

Wife's best friend is a nurse in Seattle. Her other good friend a nurse in Portland. My best friends mom is a doctor here in Oregon. I'll just say their first hand knowledge of this are quite a bit different than the opinions of some on this forum.


Nov 15, 2017
Per the link below today is NY's peak resource usage date.

Hopefully that holds true.

NY is also projected to have 13.3k of the estimated 60k deaths by August 1st. You are exactly right NYC is not a good representation of the US.

Wife's best friend is a nurse in Seattle. Her other good friend a nurse in Portland. My best friends mom is a doctor here in Oregon. I'll just say their first hand knowledge of this are quite a bit different than the opinions of some on this forum.

What day they have to say? I’d love to know from a first hand source instead of reading all this fake news.

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Apr 22, 2012
Chugiak, Alaska
Here’s another random statistic. NY has yet to reach its peak in deaths from C19, and over 700 people died from it just yesterday alone in that state. 700+ people, in a state with a population of over 19.5 million, is but a drop in the bucket, right? Considering that # was just for yesterday alone, and with the probability of many more deaths/day coming very soon, each passing day starts to make C19 look a little more serious. If the person questioning the seriousness of this pandemic, were all of a sudden dropped into the middle of an ICU in NYC, I’m sure they would have a much clearer picture/understanding of its severity. Hell, for that matter, if that same person had just lost a loved one to it, they’d probably feel a little differently about it as well. Just say’n.

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Aug 25, 2015
Here’s another random statistic. NY has yet to reach its peak in deaths from C19
That's not a statistic.
If the person questioning the seriousness of this pandemic, were all of a sudden dropped into the middle of an ICU in NYC, I’m sure they would have a much clearer picture/understanding of its severity.
If a person questioning the seriousness of driving, was all of a sudden dropped into the middle of a serious car crash, anywhere, they would have a much clearer picture/understanding of the dangers involved in driving. 🦄 Bill


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
Some people understand that kung flu is serious yet are very worried that the preventative measures are worse than kung flu.
Lots of fear being instilled into people minds. Lots of economic problems ahead.

So far less than 15,000 deaths from kung flu in the USA and :

US drug overdose deaths rose to record 72,000 last year, data reveals. Drug overdoses killed more than 72,000 people in the United States last year – a new record driven by the deadly opioid epidemic, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC estimates that 72,287 people died from overdoses in 2017,...

Nothing closed down for those 70,000+ deaths.....and all the related carnage. Hell, the government gives away free needles so people can shoot up...... :love:

Gyms are closed but pot stores are government order.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Current flight tracker. Lockdown? 4 of those inbound from the west are passenger aircraft from China. Yes there are a lot of cargo flights. Not that many.

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Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az
I wonder if places like New York City will re-evaluate their practices. Having 8+ million residents in a 300 square mile area is a recipe for disaster. I think this further highlights that problem.

Clearly the steps taken have "more than likely" reduced the number of infected/ deaths. Did we need to go to this extent? I do not know about that. It will be hard to ever say for sure if all the steps taken, were needed.


Feb 13, 2019
What day they have to say? I’d love to know from a first hand source instead of reading all this fake news.

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Doctor believed this all was/is being blown a bit out of proportion. Granted, this was a few weeks ago when I chatted to my buddy about this so her opinion could have changed by now. Probably has one way or another. However, my buddy hasnt brought anything up since and I asked him to keep me in the loop.

Seattle nurse said most of their critical covid patients (12 at the time) had some pretty serious underlying health issues. From what I heard at least 11 of the 12 did. 10 were also very old. One was in his 20's, but had some major health issues to begin with.

Oregon nurse wasn't working more than normal. At the time she actually had like 5-6 days off until she worked again. They shut down all non-emergency procedures to prepare for covid people. But there still was a decrease in work by doing that. Again, Oregon is one of the better states in the US case wise, but hearing that surprised me. From watching the news and listening to people in this forum i expected every nurse was working 100hrs a week 7 days a week.

Don't take the above the wrong way. This virus is a big deal and the social distancing and what not should help the hospitals out. The nurses both agreed this could get bad real quick. The worry is hospitals becoming overburdened more than anything. If that happens then a lot of other people who need help (non covid people) may not get the help they need. Thats how i took it at least.
Sep 20, 2018
In someone's favorite spot
I wonder if places like New York City will re-evaluate their practices. Having 8+ million residents in a 300 square mile area is a recipe for disaster. I think this further highlights that problem.

Clearly the steps taken have "more than likely" reduced the number of infected/ deaths. Did we need to go to this extent? I do not know about that. It will be hard to ever say for sure if all the steps taken, were needed.
Do you realize how many cities in the world are actually larger than NYC? I mean by quite a bit.

Would it surprise you to learn that NYC is 38th in the world?


Aug 25, 2015
I'm sorry,
No you aren't!!
but I'm tired of hearing/reading about how "this is just like the flu, or not even as bad"... wake up.
What kind of argument is that? 🤷‍♀️And yes I'm awake, but not woke.
but don't try to minimize the effects of what would happen to the country without taking some fairly drastic measures.
Why? 🦄 🤷‍♀️
My wife's a nurse
and therefore what I say is true, and if you don't agree you are ignorant is what I'm hearing 😄
and we get spooked by people's lack of basic understanding of this thing, leading to ignorant actions.
Sounds scary. 😱 😄
AK Troutbum nailed it early in this thread. This is not the flu.
I don't think anyone is saying this is the flu, it is similar in that it'ns a virus from "China" were most flu virus come from. It's much nastier and contagious than the flu.
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