States that force you to wear mask

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Apr 8, 2018
Very good point here. Pcr tests are highly specific=false positives are rare.
Sensitivity is not as high so there are false negatives probably related to testing protocol. I would suspect that those drive thru test centers where the patient swabs themselves have more false negatives than if a trained worker is doing the swab that approaches the brain stem.

Way late to this thread, but I've had the nasal swab test come back negative from a drive thru test center, but I was still convinced I had the virus. I've had symptoms since June 25th, and am waiting on the results of my second diagnostic test - but I got an antibodies test result in less than 24 hours and I am positive for the antibodies. But I may still be contagious and am working through the remaining (time still TBD) of my quarantine. FWIW my symptoms have been "mild" as they are classified, but they have still really sucked. And I'm currently trying to get rid of pneumonia in one lung.

As for the masks questions, my current biggest fear is giving it to my wife. Super low chance that it would impact her worse than me, but who knows?

Can't wait to get out of the house - and into the woods!


Aug 25, 2015
Big question: How long do we have to wear masks? Until there is a vaccine? Until there isn't one person infected? 6 months? 5 years? I am sure people would feel differently about the masks if there was a "final destination."
There may not be one. Maybe folks will smarten up that the flu can be very dangerous too? It is for me having asthma. And I think wearing masks should be a choice in general.
Jul 22, 2019
Most folks are sheep. It's not like having to wear a mask for 6 months, a year or a lot longer will kill us, as well as many other laws, like seatbelt and helmet laws, which can be a great idea. When ever anyone asks you what harm will it do, ask them if they've heard of the straw on the camel's back?

What most don't get or aren't too bothered by is that if we lose our freedoms during difficult times like now, what good are they really? Having guns, mountain biking, hunting and enjoying other activities that some hate and want to restrict until they can ban it, I'm very sensitive about my freedoms. Live Free

.....or die, hard :)
May 9, 2012
Bothell, Wa
I think wearing a mask is about as stupid as the TSA.

But if it makes the sheeple “feel” safe and gets businesses open and people back to work I’ll happily wear one. Just like I stand in that stupid TSA line to get on a plane.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
For those of you against masks, you sound like a smoker before they find out they have cancer.
My work is following local cdc requirements.

If you are within 6 ft of someone who tests positive, for 10 minutes, whether or not either or both of you are wearing masks, you get a 2 week quarantine. Mandatory.

So, tell me again that masks reduce exposure and I'll ask you why cdc still wants mask wearers to quarantine for 14 days if exposed.

It is a hoax. Just another flu virus they have weaponized against the American populous. And all folks are worried about a mask. 🙄

Spike elk

Jun 17, 2012
With that logic, there's no need to have a firearm for protection because we have the survivability rate from threat of violent crime of 99.994%. In other words, 6 out of 100,000 Americans die of violent crime, whereas your statistic of dying from Covid is 200 out of 100,000. So, if I were 'scared to death' of covid (which I am not), what does it say about people who always carrying a firearm for their protection when the risk of equal consequence is 33 times less?

I get the uncertainty of the effectiveness of a simple cloth mask. Of course, it's not the magic bullet. But guess what, neither is having a firearm a magic bullet against dying from a violent crime. There are a lot of unquantifiable factors involved. The fact remains . . . something so simple and easy to do does help to some degree.

By the way, do people still not understand that mask is to prevent the spread from the wearer to others? If it were our own safety at stake, fine, but we're playing with the risk to other people in this situation. Maybe that difference still means something, maybe not.

Carrying a firearm is not a government mandate. I have no problem if people are comfortable surviving rape and assault without defending themselves with a firearm. That is their freedom. I carry often, but not all the time, so sometimes I take the same chance. In my opinion there is a big difference between "surviving" a violent crime and preventing a violent crime.

The bottom line with Covid is that it has been overblown. You have a 99.8% chance of surviving it and a 40% or better chance of not even knowing that you had it for hell's sake. We all shut down for a month or more and did our part. Now, the science has told us that to most of the population this is not any more dangerous than the flu times two. In fact, if you are 24 or under it is more likely for you to die from the flu. Those that are at risk should mask up with a real mask/shelter in place. Simple. Those people are protected and the rest of us can take our 99.8% chances. If wearing a mask makes you feel better or safer than go for it.


May 16, 2020
In my opinion if you can’t wear a mask for 20 minutes in a grocery store to protect a senior or another compromised individual you’re a dishonorable sissy. These people are your American brothers and sisters. There is no patriotism in your choice. It’s purely a selfish act to be an anti-masker. My father is a Vietnam Vet who because of agent orange has parkinsonism and diabetes. He’s got a lot of years left, but probably not if he catches Covid 19 before vaccine. Does he social distance and wear a mask? Yep because he’s a true Patriot who has made real sacrifices to this Country and knows he can help his neighbors stay well and also protect his family members who work in Hospitals from being overwhelmed by the uncontrolled spread of Covid.
I personally wear one for 8 hours plus regularly, and it is a mild annoyance. It protects my patients from me. Not the other way around.

For those it’s my right to decide for myself and no one can tell me what to do types, well next time you need surgery have your surgeon decide whether or not they feel like masking or gloving up in your body. It’s no big deal right?

Who do you think is filling up all the ICUs in Florida, AZ and Texas? Some paid actors from the leftist liberal deep state conspiracy? Snap out of your delusions.


Mar 15, 2018
I'm not one of those who wears a mask in the woods. Nor will I in the grocery store. There is no scientific proof whatsoever that a non medical non N95 mask protects you from anything. Improper mask use can actually do more harm than good.

Let’s try a little experiment. Put you hand in front of your face. Now blow. What do you feel? Now pull your shirt up over your mouth and blow. I’m not a doctor, nor an epidemiologist, but there’s definitely a difference in the amount of air hitting my hand in one scenario vs the other. It’s impossible to determine the actual percentage at which a mask would be effective. It’s obviously not 100%. Probably not even close. But they do something. Feel free to wear a mask or don’t. It doesn’t really bother me one way or the other.
Jul 24, 2016
Carrying a firearm is not a government mandate. I have no problem if people are comfortable surviving rape and assault without defending themselves with a firearm. That is their freedom. I carry often, but not all the time, so sometimes I take the same chance. In my opinion there is a big difference between "surviving" a violent crime and preventing a violent crime.

The bottom line with Covid is that it has been overblown. You have a 99.8% chance of surviving it and a 40% or better chance of not even knowing that you had it for hell's sake. We all shut down for a month or more and did our part. Now, the science has told us that to most of the population this is not any more dangerous than the flu times two. In fact, if you are 24 or under it is more likely for you to die from the flu. Those that are at risk should mask up with a real mask/shelter in place. Simple. Those people are protected and the rest of us can take our 99.8% chances. If wearing a mask makes you feel better or safer than go for it.

You're missing the point, several points actually. The risk of you dying from Covid is 33x greater than by a violent crime. Yet, you carry a firearm for protection and it's too much to ask to wear a mask?

There is also a big difference between surviving covid and preventing it. Can we agree prevention is far better?

Again, the mask is not for the wearer's protection, it is for others'. It won't help the at-higher-risk people if other people around them don't and can spread it to them easily. And since we are still learning who are the most susceptible, it's not helpful to assume a group of people is 'safe'. Besides, it's not like we could isolate at-higher-risk people. We can't isolate elderly and people with poor health. We are all heavily integrated together.

We did shut down for over a month. But when we started back up, most people did not wear masks. That's where we went wrong. It is by doing things like wearing masks that we might be able to have an operating economy. If we don't, we will probably have to shut things down again. Which medicine would you rather have?
Matt mi

Matt mi

Jan 19, 2020
If the mask doesn't protect you from getting the virus (that means virus comes thro mask and infects you) how would it stop the virus from coming out at the same rate you breath it in? I don't think i breath in harder then I cough or sneeze out wearing a mask
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