Thoughts on Razor 16-48x65mm


Jun 9, 2019
I haven’t been able to compare to anything but a Kowa 553 and a leupold 12-40 gold ring.

I preferred the razor over those. The Kowa was just too limiting but the center resolution was awesome. The leupold was a cool spotter and I miss it a bit. Mine had a focus and zoom ring that was just too stiff and tough to manipulate.

When I was doing a lot of objective tests on binos and spotters a few years back the razor did well on resolution and edge to edge clarity. I saw no reason to upgrade.

My biggest like is the focus mechanism. I have no doubt the swaro is better, but I am not a fan of the barrel focus (it’s tough to focus without jitter). I also don’t think for my uses I need to pay 3x as much. Just my 2 cents.