"Two Legged Predator" Encounters?

Feb 21, 2017
50 years and many states and never had a time when I felt I needed to carry. I was a Leo for 35 years and never had it on me in the woods. If your that concerned maybe you need another hobby. But to each there own if it makes you more comfortable

I grew up in Alaska, and carried a firearm on every outdoors excursion from about the age of 12 when I legally could. 18 years in EMS, 15 in security, I've had three guns pulled on me and been shot at once. Your experiences are very different from mine, and I have successfully used a pistol to defend myself from a drugged out knife wielding weirdo (without firing a shot).

I carry every day, when I legally can. I don't double up, rifle and pistol, but I've always got one or the other in the woods. I don't carry specifically for 2 or 4 legged animals, but as a Boy Scout, I believe in being prepared.


Mar 22, 2017
North MS
Tracker12, that is surprising. I've ran into guys that had an equally lengthy and varied career and said they never even had to draw their weapon on duty. I've also got buddies that were involved in multiple shootings in just a few years.

I don't judge you for not feeling the need to carry off duty. I haven't been at it as long (9 years), but I think we have had different experiences. My only issue is, there IS the possibility, however small, that someone could run into someone with malicious intent in the woods. To suggest that someone is paranoid and should find another hobby because they seek to be prepared is very misguided. And it's surprising coming from an LEO that should know very well what kinds of horrible things people do to each other in this world.

I'm not trying to spread fear or anything, just saying, yes there is the possibility something could happen. So prepare for it. I don't live my life in a paranoid state of mind at all, just a state of readiness, and an awareness of what is out there. It's unlikely your house will ever burn down, but you wouldn't tell someone they are stupid to buy a fire extinguisher, right?


Mar 18, 2012
Tulsa, OK
50 years and many states and never had a time when I felt I needed to carry. I was a Leo for 35 years and never had it on me in the woods. If your that concerned maybe you need another hobby. But to each there own if it makes you more comfortable

Hmm. I once was standing at a gas pump at 5:00am pumping myself some gas on the way to work, had a guy drive by and stop and say he was going to beat me to death with a baseball bat. He did not, because I pretended like I didn’t hear him and turned away, so it did not light his fire. I did not know this guy, but I have carried just about everywhere every day since (about 20 years). You never know when lightning will strike.

Another time was going to the doctor and a guy was beating a woman in a car. She came running into the clinic and I locked the door behind her, had the guy had a gun, I am sure he would have tried to kill me in his drugged out rage. He was not happy. You never know when this stuff will happen.

I used to eat at a restaurant in Killeen Texas where shortly after I switched duty stations a guy came in and killed 30 people. Look it up.

Had an aunt that was kidnapped in flagstaff. She was clothes shopping and taken at gun point and held for 4 days near Grand Canyon (1990’s). Completely random situation.

Not paranoid, prepared.


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Dec 31, 2015
Hudson, WI
Chai Vang was arrested at the end of the two track, a hundred and some yards from where we would normally have been camped. An odd chain of events had us elsewhere. He killed six hunters and wounded two others. If we would’ve been there, we would’ve heard the shots, probably the screaming. We might’ve ended up in the thick of it.

Whenever someone talks about crazy guys in the field, I think about how close we were to being there. My buddy and I feel like the guys who missed their flight and then the plane crashed.

This happened up in my neck of the woods where I grew up and was a pretty sad deal. I know some of the family members of the victims and I think things could’ve been avoided but it’s hard to say. You never know when someone might snap.

Like others have said, there are some people out there whose mind set of right/wrong will change when they think they can get away with something. The more time I spend out off the beaten path, the more I tend to see that shift.


Nov 14, 2018
In Canada we can't carry handguns during hunting (at all), so I just carry a can of bear spray and a fixed blade knife in addition to my rifle when hunting. There are always times in camp when the rifle is not within arms reach, and I don't like taking chances when the nearest help is 2 hours driving away.
I'd say it's more for bear defense than for 2 legged predators, as all of the folks we met out in the woods are really nice folks.
Dec 17, 2017
N Idaho
Always carry the G20 during archery and in the off season as well. Just picked up a PMR30 a few days ago and its a right little devil. May not be for everyone, but its light as hell, carries a boatload of ouch, and fits in my guides choice holster for the Glock quite well. Very pleased with my purchase after two range sessions. Ymmv


Apr 29, 2018
For those of you who carry a g20 loaded with hardcast, do you use the factory barrel or aftermarket? If aftermarket which brand/model? Thanks.


Dec 9, 2017
I've always got bear spray on me, don't feel the need for a sidearm as the bear spray will absolutely wreck anyone threatening me.
Oct 5, 2018
Bear spray will also wreck you if there is any kind of wind. I used to carry bear spray at work, and a co-worker and I decided to test fire a can on a calm day but there was just enough breeze to send some particles back at my co-worker. He tried to run away from it, but coughing and blinded he ran into a dry creek bed and hurt himself. Point being, bear spray is effective yes, but exposure to yourself is more of a possibility than accidentally shooting yourself with a sidearm. I've also had the safety clip come off while hiking through thick brush and the can discharged on accident when I got back to camp but thankfully was not pointed at me.


Jan 26, 2017
50 years and many states and never had a time when I felt I needed to carry. I was a Leo for 35 years and never had it on me in the woods. If your that concerned maybe you need another hobby. But to each there own if it makes you more comfortable

Well, it’s certainly not “comfortable”. But, like I and others have said, it just part of being prepared. It’s one one of those things, like a basic trauma kit, that when you need one, you really need one, right now.

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Aug 31, 2016
For those of you who carry a g20 loaded with hardcast, do you use the factory barrel or aftermarket? If aftermarket which brand/model? Thanks.

For true hardcast polygonal rifling isn't an issue. I don't shoot cast lead. Hardcast is a much different thing. I like the buffalo bore options.


Mar 5, 2017
South East Idaho
Awesome information, thanks everyone. I'll be looking into the glock 20 and glock 40, there seems to be a lot of love for the 10mm and I was leaning that way before this thread. Side arms sound a lot like a lawyer, get a good one and hope you never need it.


Jun 14, 2016
Awesome information, thanks everyone. I'll be looking into the glock 20 and glock 40, there seems to be a lot of love for the 10mm and I was leaning that way before this thread. Side arms sound a lot like a lawyer, get a good one and hope you never need it.

10MM is definitely the round you wanna carry. Out performs the old standby .45.

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Nov 29, 2017
SE Idaho
For those of you who carry a g20 loaded with hardcast, do you use the factory barrel or aftermarket? If aftermarket which brand/model? Thanks.

Lone Wolf Distributors

This is what I have on mine. Gains a little more muzzle velocity and lets you attach fun things to it down the road if you ever decide to go that direction. The G20 with this barrel, to me, is much more enjoyable and easier to shoot than my M&P9c that I carry. The G20 itself is a lot bigger than most full size pistols- it’s frame is wider- but it fits my large hands perfectly.

Mt Al

Dec 16, 2017
I carry a Glock 20/10mm during archery season in grizz country. No pistol during rifle season.

Few bad experiences with 2 legged "predators", none terrible.
-A rancher who was pissed I shot a mulie on what he thought was his land, was clearly public. Had a pretty verbally violent exchange with him until he backed off.
-Two episodes from one guide who accused me of hunting on private land. He's a marginal hunting celebrity, just trying to puff himself up to clients. Got in a yelling match and things calmed down both times. His clients were not impressed.
-One was a turd who thought i was on "his" place on public land. Got weird, telling me how long he'd hunted there all with a very thick southern accent in Montana....odd. I congratulated him on his success, told him I'd hunting the same place for longer than he'd been in Bozeman, told him that Boze-angeles is exploding and to get used to it.

Where I go, I'm not so concerned about the criminal element, but by insecure , temperamental "hunters" who have a perverted view of hunting from TV/DVDs/internet celebrities and think they own or have claim to some spot on public land. I've had places to myself for many, many years, then On-X maps and their crawling with people. Just the way it goes, glad others are getting chances to hunt.


Nov 6, 2016
Awesome information, thanks everyone. I'll be looking into the glock 20 and glock 40, there seems to be a lot of love for the 10mm and I was leaning that way before this thread. Side arms sound a lot like a lawyer, get a good one and hope you never need it.
For outdoor use (hike/hunt) I would choose a G20 maybe a model 40 (longslide) 10mm , if you need a carry gun for daily life I'd consider a second weapon (G19) . And the above strictly for the most velocity out of the 10mm.

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Jan 24, 2014
Zeeland, MI
I think situations that could warrant use of a firearm in the hunting community is less that living your life I an urban setting for sure. I haven't encountered anything out west, but as drugs permeates our society I see as a growing threat, as noted earlier in this post.

I have been threatened on public land to vacate the area despite following the rules posted for this managed tract. First they crapped on my stand, then confronted and surrounded me by some locals. I was armed I'm well trained. They were not armed and although contiguous to say the least it did not rise to a level of self defense. Best to walk way.

Avid fisherman for Great Lakes and our wonderful rivers here in Michigan, I find boat ramps to be one of most likely spots for problems. Trail heads for hunting as well. These are emotional encounters and keeping cool is best. As hunting and fishing opportunities get less this seems to be a growing problem in my neck of the woods.

Been shot at as a youngster exiting the woods by some older men. Story is on that great thread last year scariest things happened to you. Apparently not trying to shoot me, just have some fun missing as they told my dad.

Been stalked by a big ass mountain lion eating lunch in Colorado, too close to some black bears too.

Except when I was a kid, I've been armed and carrying for many years and will continue to be prepared. And relying heavily on my ability to recognize what is or isnt an imminent threat.


Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
Was turkey hunting once close to a block of private property that was some kind of anti govt installation. A group of milita guys armed with AR15s and AK 47s came stalking through the woods in a patrol formation. I was camoed out and tucked away under a cedar tree, so they didn’t notice me despite passing within a few feet.