
Feb 3, 2014
Boundary Co. Idaho
At over 50 eyes really have taken a shit in the last year. Dual Monitors all day the last two years seemed to have expedited the issue.

Never wore glasses and always had stellar vision. Still do (I think). Need Cheaters to read now tho.

I have almost kinda quit the archery game. I really like shooting. I don't archery hunt much, but shoot oftern. Or did.

Anything beyond 50 yards can be a struggle. My PINS are least I think. The target is what blurs when looking through the peep and focusing on the pin.

At least for a target bow and shooting for score....does this sound like I need a Verifier or a Clarifier? I think there is a difference?

A few years ago I was a shop with a tool that you could switch the colored lenses and hold it up to your eye to determine which color lens (Must have been the Specialty System?). I can't recall where I encountered that tool, as I would like to use it again. Looks like a $200 investment for a series of lenses? Think I only need one, it's just finding which one.

Any insight on what I need and how to get there?
You would need a verifier not a clarifier. Clarifiers are used with a magnified lense in your scope housing. Verifiers are used to clear up pins. Verifiers come in powers of 4-9. 4 is the weakest. Typically if you’re wearing say a 1.50 reader a 5 or 6 would be a good starting point in my experience setting guys up with them. However everyone is different. Best thing to do is see if your shop will install the peep and let you try different power lenses until it clears the sight picture up the best. You may give up a little target clarity to see your pins clearly though.
You may need glasses or contacts. Verifiers are like readers for clearing up the pins or seeing what’s closest more clearly, clarifiers are to clear a magnified image, you could try a single pin but that won’t clean up the image at distance just give a simpler sight picture. I’ve worn glasses and contacts for years, usually when objects are fuzzy at distance it’s time to get the prescription checked.
Thank you for the help. For readers I am at 1.25 so the first post helps quite a bit.

I loved single up pin when I shot one. I was shooting a 5 pin axcel this week and really struggling. If the light is good and my eyes are "fresh" I don't have too much difficulty. Other times or on repetitive shots it seems to be an issue. Like my eyes can't refocus quickly?

I'll goof around with a single pin and see what happens.

I've accidently attempted to shoot at 3D shoots with sunglasses on. I couldn't do it. But I see several people who shoot WITH glasses on. Would bother the shit out of me, but I am seeing it can be done.

Squinting my non dominant eye does clear things up on occasion.
Verifier = reading glasses
Clarifier = driving glasses

If you can see your pins well than you don't want a verifier...they are used when you can see your target but NOT your pins. I would look into a scope lens and clarifier combo; probably don't need anything too powerful...something like 4x or 2x would probably serve you well with a size 1 clarifier (yellow).
Anything beyond 50 yards can be a struggle. My PINS are least I think. The target is what blurs when looking through the peep and focusing on the pin.
Focus on the target......then your pins might blur a bit......then you'll need a verifier.

I use 1.75-2.00 cheaters but haven't had to go the verifier route yet.......maybe because of my 33" draw length. The pins are far enough out there that they aren't considered close vision. :unsure:
Thank you for the help. For readers I am at 1.25 so the first post helps quite a bit.

I loved single up pin when I shot one. I was shooting a 5 pin axcel this week and really struggling. If the light is good and my eyes are "fresh" I don't have too much difficulty. Other times or on repetitive shots it seems to be an issue. Like my eyes can't refocus quickly?

I'll goof around with a single pin and see what happens.

I've accidently attempted to shoot at 3D shoots with sunglasses on. I couldn't do it. But I see several people who shoot WITH glasses on. Would bother the shit out of me, but I am seeing it can be done.

Squinting my non dominant eye does clear things up on occasion.
Did the Axcel sight you we’re using have an adjustable rheostat on it?

I’ve noticed if the pins are extremely bright (especially outside), they tend to make it difficult to focus.

If you adjust the rheostat, the pins dim and appear to be more clear.

Just a thought, and may provide some improvement, but probably not going to correct your issue entirely.
I have long distance contacts because I'm nearsighted. Can't see shit at distance without contacts.
Up close has always been fine --- until last year. Now my pins are blurry. Had the shop install a verifier (basically a lower power cheater) and it cleaned up my pins without sacrificing the distance. Now it's perfect.
Sounds like you need both.
I've had to go to red dots on my carry pistols as well.
50 sucks.
I have long distance contacts because I'm nearsighted. Can't see shit at distance without contacts.
Up close has always been fine --- until last year. Now my pins are blurry. Had the shop install a verifier (basically a lower power cheater) and it cleaned up my pins without sacrificing the distance. Now it's perfect.
Sounds like you need both.
I've had to go to red dots on my carry pistols as well.
50 sucks.
I didn't even make it to 50 before needing one. Just glad they exist.
I didn't even make it to 50 before needing one. Just glad they exist.
I had Lasik in 1999 and the Dr told me that one side effect would be needing reading glasses sooner than I would have. So I was expecting to be needing them in my 40's, but at almost 57 now it's only been about a year that I've really needed them......and I've been wearing contacts again now for a few years. But now I need cataract surgery........another side effect of the Lasik supposedly. That and using nasal steroids for most of my adult life. My pins vary depending on the amount of light that's out. In bright sun my pins are perfectly clear, at dusk they can vary but aren't bad enough IMO to go to a verifier just yet.