What should I do?


Jan 29, 2014
So, over a week ago, I got a PM from someone interested in an item I have in the classifieds. I promptly returned the PM and attempted to email them but the message could "not be received". I PM'd them about that, too. I have heard nothing from them at all since the first PM they sent me. They never said "I want it" or committed in any way.

Now someone else is interested in the item. They have not committed, but I need some insight ahead of time.

I PM'd the first person of the second person's interest.

What more can I do? How should I handle this one?


(I'm sure there is a thread somewhere about this)
No response from the first person on several occasions I would politely tell them you moved on and sold it.
I have also seen guys post, the first "I will take it" in thread gets it. Maybe add that to the thread and give it to the next guy.
Yep all the guys above are correct. The first guy had ample time to claim your item. Time to move on. Sell it to the next available buyer. As Solitude said posting that the first person to post "I will take it" in response to your thread will be the first in line to purchase would be a good idea.
Money talks. I give people a little time but of lost sales because I waited too long. Dong be that guy
I have a 12 hour rule I follow. If you say you want it. Better pay up unless other arrangements are made between us otherwise I sell to the next guy. If someone leaves you hanging and its past the 12 hours. Then Im selling it to the next guy. FYI I do a lot of selling online. this has always been my rule of thumb. Its never been an issue.
I sell quite a bit online as well- and buy a lot. I would have no issue if I said i wanted something adn then failed to respond or pay in a timely manner- if the item was sold to someone else. Same goes for me selling- if someone can't take the time to respond and/or pay, they should not be bothered by the item being sold to someone else.