Bear Burgers


Jul 29, 2021
What is the best ratio of bear meat to other meat to make burgers? I usually do a 70/30 split or 60/40 when using venison. But does a fall bear need to be cut with any other meat?
I suppose if you're looking for other flavor it wouldn't matter what ratio you use for your mix.

If you're thinking it's too lean and are thinking you need to ad some fat content in order to "form" the patties I would say leave it 100% bear, its very greasy as it is.
I usually cut 10% bacon ‘ends’ (get em from your butcher cheap) and the rest is well trimmed bear. Bear fat in the freezer too long ain’t great. Some extra fat is good since you’ll be cooking them to 165.
The bacon sounds pretty good. Will have to try that

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Only thing about bear is you have to cook it WELL DONE. I dont like burgers well done. So i just use bear meat for tacos, spaghetti or chili.
That bacon does sound like a good idea will definently be trying that. And will definently be cooking them well done due to the fact I dont want to get sick.