Does anyone eat coyote regularly

I heard The Gdog like them.

I got some in the freezer. That one I got in San Bernardino was nice and healthy. Had good fat deposits under her hide. I'm figuring this time I'll try that soak in Buttermilk thing. Apparently the dealio is there are enzymes in Buttermilk that help break-down the aromatic compounds that we don't happen to find appealing scent wise.

And just about for anything "stronger" you can employ in some form or fashion your more powerful spicing flavors like minced garlic, sriracha, lil Apple Cider Vinegar also added into the lil bit of Olive Oil can help as well. And you can do things like add a touch of Worcestire sauce into your flavoring brush-on as well. Sometimes that little bit of sweet it adds to the salt+savory+heat of the other flavors can really make it nice without having to get too acid-inducing by relying soley on the hotter stuff to overcome and cancel out the aroma ya don't like. And most of that really is the silver-skin and viscera from them. On yotes? The viscera and silverskin smell pretty strong.

Like my dogs used to love that from deer trimmings, but they wouldn't touch the same part from yote. I'm sure I could feed them the human prepared dish I'd make for myself and they'd eat it. But those flavorings and spices are just not cool to feed your dog man. that'll torque out a dogs stomach in nothing flat. stuff like garlic and sriracha should never be given to dogs.
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Don't you guys feel guilty stealing eagle chow?

I take my kids to watch eagles. They wonder how I know where they're going to, it's easy. 2 hours after the shot....they're getting to business.
No coyotes for me I’d rather eat my leather shoes. Had a guy we hunted coyotes with make crow jerky once and it was *^% nasty. He didn’t tell us what it was until after we took a bite. Everyone was passing around deer jerky that day so we assumed. I always ask now.
No coyotes for me I’d rather eat my leather shoes. Had a guy we hunted coyotes with make crow jerky once and it was *^% nasty. He didn’t tell us what it was until after we took a bite.
Crow jerky sounds like a bad idea.
I havent gotten that hungry yet and I mean starving to death !!!
Too many good things out there to eat without thinking about a yote to gnaw on
Not that I wouldn't try properly prepared coyote if given the opportunity. But if I were really in need of meat I would much rather pick up a fresh road killed deer or elk and make some skidmark stew. Plenty of roadkill where I live.
I don’t know how hungry I’d have to be to eat coyote or wolf, given how bad they smell when skinning them.
lions really good.When I used to to take cat hunters out usually always got the carcass, it was great. Coyote ,aint happenin.
I've never heard of anybody eating the smelly buggers. However, I'd never heard of people eating moutain lion either before today, so I could be missing out!
Steven Rinella did a show on cooking coyote seems pretty gnarly. Randy Newberg did one on wolf blah. I've killed hundreds and they are nasty the thought never crossed my mind to many diseases and their diet is rough they can't taste good. On another note I guided lion hunters in CO for years and they require you to take the meat and I have eaten it and bobcat they were both delicious.
Steven Rinella did a show on cooking coyote seems pretty gnarly. Randy Newberg did one on wolf blah. I've killed hundreds and they are nasty the thought never crossed my mind to many diseases and their diet is rough they can't taste good. On another note I guided lion hunters in CO for years and they require you to take the meat and I have eaten it and bobcat they were both delicious.
OH I know! Bobcat was great! And then freakin' slimy used car salesman Gavin Newscum goes and allows a ballot measure to be voted on by lay-people to Ban their take starting 2020. Gawd I hate that sorry excuse for a man.