Elk 2nd Season OTC Group Needed

Dec 11, 2020
Hello everyone,
I am first time elk hunter. I am looking for a mentor that wants to hunt OTC 2nd season this year but doesn’t have a group to go with. I have one friend at the moment interested in going. The reason I need a group is because we will be going into the wilderness and it is safer and easier packing game out. Plan on getting to know each other prior to going that way we aren’t strangers. Background check and identity verification will be needed. Thanks in advance.
Make sure to get blood types you know if your A- makes since to hunt with guys who are A- they dont need all their blood
Make sure to get blood types you know if your A- makes since to hunt with guys who are A- they dont need all their blood
Are you serious? I’m not bring blood transfusion equipment just a tourniquet. I’d be lucky if someone in the group even has a satellite phone.
I mean transfusion equipment is just a start you should really have a mobile surgical set up, what if someones appendix bursts or they need emergency liposuction??
Are you serious? I’m not bring blood transfusion equipment just a tourniquet. I’d be lucky if someone in the group even has a satellite phone.
We always make sure there's a type O in our group. That way if the Havalon slips we can hook up a direct line and save any other blood type in the group from bleeding out. ;)
I have zero training on anything past basic combat trauma care. So everything you’re saying is irrelevant. I appreciate the help but this isn’t a conversation I want to start right now. Thanks though.
I'm in, and I'm trained in emergency liposuction! I've also never hunted before, but we can figure this out together as long as we've got the blood type and the liposuction thing figured out. And the venom thing. And the background check thing........