Elk broadhead poll

What broadhead for elk

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I keep 2 Iron Will's (vented) and 2 Sevr's in my quivers for elk.

If the shot is 50 or under, I shoot the fixed blade.

If the shot is 50+ or it's really windy, I shoot the mech.

I've had the opportunity to test a stupid amount of BH's, and both of those heads are best in class (to me) in each category. Been running this diversified quiver setup for several years with excellent results.
I would have a to say none of them. Of the three, Ironwillswould get the nod. I use Kudupoints with the bleeders. They fly best and tune easy for me. I wasn’t impressed with the Muzzy performance on elk. Probably fine for deer but the blades are too thin. Slicktricks are better as are the QAD Exodus. Their flight just did not work as well for me as the Kudupoints.
Alright I added QAD exodus to the poll, if you want to go back and vote for that or change your vote
Full disclosure…I haven’t put my SEVR 1.5 through an elk yet. But I did on a deer last season and hit high shoulder, nicked the under part of the spine, and exited through a rib. Full pass through. It literally blew a golf ball sized chunk off the scapula. I’ve never been more impressed with a broadhead.

The one complaint I have is what someone else mentioned above about them wanting to open in my quiver and breaking the rubber band. I think this was more of a quiver issue with the foam being too tight and I widened the hole and had no further issues.
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Of those I’d say the Sevr but bump it to the 1.75. Still get the swept back blade angle and a little more cut. Plus the deployment tabs are way less visible at full cut on these.

I practice with all three sizes and they all fly exactly the same for me which is directly with my field points.

If you choose TOTA or Iron Will, go with the solids. The vented on both hissed too loud for me.

This year I’ve decided to carry three Deadmeat and two Sevr 1.75
Currently using: 125 Day Six Evo
29in draw @70#
4 fletch

I also have had success with RamCats and NAP Kill Zones in the past. I ultimately go with what tunes well with my bow.