Elk jewelry for my wife

Oct 25, 2012
So a few years ago my wife had a necklace made for me by her cousin that is a sterling silver arrow head with the ivory tooth inset and my birth stone. It was the first bull I had ever killed and I did it with my bow. I wear it daily and rarely take it off. It’s a special piece to me and even more so since her cousin was killed in a motorcycle accident.


Last year my wife harvested her first bull/elk and did so with her bow. It took two years and miles and miles of hiking but we got it done! She’s now entered in the PY books as well with her bull.




Well, it was time for me to rerun the favor. I wanted to keep it kinda small, dainty, simple but rustic and keep the same “theme” so to speak with the arrow head. With some collaborating and design modification help from one of her uncles that’s a jeweler we came up with this. The arrow heads are gold and molded from an arrow head that was actually napped specifically for this piece. The ivory is inset into the gold with her birthstone on one and mine on the other. The wire band is sterling silver and I had the Bible verse Genesis 27:3 put on the underside of one of the arrow heads. Im excited to give it to her and will soon. Our 4 year anniversary is June 2 and seeing as how we are soon to start a family I went ahead and had this done before the expense of kids. Hope you all enjoy the piece as well.



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Jul 19, 2021
Make sure she is sitting down before you give that to her, it's so Bitchen. She is going to lose her mind.
Your necklace is also very cool and i am sure will be cherished for a lifetime for several reasons.
Coincidentally my wife and I will celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary on June 2
Have a great anniversary.
Oct 25, 2012
Make sure she is sitting down before you give that to her, it's so Bitchen. She is going to lose her mind.
Your necklace is also very cool and i am sure will be cherished for a lifetime for several reasons.
Coincidentally my wife and I will celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary on June 2
Have a great anniversary.

Thank you for the kind words. I hope you and your wife have a wonderful and blessed 32nd anniversary!

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Mar 23, 2012
Santa Rosa, CA
Make sure she is sitting down before you give that to her, it's so Bitchen. She is going to lose her mind.
Your necklace is also very cool and i am sure will be cherished for a lifetime for several reasons.
Coincidentally my wife and I will celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary on June 2
Have a great anniversary.
Happy Anniversary. We just had our 6th last month. :)