

Jan 30, 2015
I'm grateful for the best wife in the whole world and 4 wonderful kids. They make my life so much happier.

I'm also grateful for a stable job that challenges me. I've been blessed to work through the entire pandemic with very little disruption.

I'm thankful I was able to harvest an elk this year to fill the freezer and that I got to enjoy that hunt with my dad and two of my brothers. Special times for sure.

What are you thankful for?

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More than I can write here! Thankful I stayed home with my dad through his final stretch here on earth instead of elk hunting this Sep, to have had the best parents I could've asked for, for a loving and faithful wife and happy health kids, a good job, great friends, loving siblings, and on and on. Easy to get caught up in daily, meaningless (in the big picture) BS, but so much to be thankful for. I'm not, and my life isn't, perfect, but I've been blessed beyond what I likely ever deserved.
There are many blessings in my life including my wife, daughter, grandson, and family that have stayed healthy. I have a good job with a solid company as does my wife. We have lots to be happy for and a great future ahead.

But mostly I'm grateful for New Years Day so 2020 is in the past.

I am also grateful for an amazing wife and 2 great kids, a career I like and has been very busy. The ability to get out in the mountains regularly. Grateful for this thread to remind me of how good i have it! So Thanks!
"The days I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, I have really good days" - Ray Wylie Hubbard

I'm grateful for all the sunrises and sunsets I've gotten to see this year. And grateful for a wonderful wife and family who put up with a knucklehead like me.
I'm grateful that my family is safe and well. I'm grateful for this forum and the wisdom that's been shared with me in my short time here as a member.

As I sit here, sick with COVID-19, I'm also grateful that I'm not in the hospital and that I am improving on my own.
First & foremost I am grateful to my God & his only Begotten Son, & that I am placed on earth at this time. I am grateful to live in this great land, with a wonderful wife & 6 great kids. 35 years come Sunday. Grateful for the people I associate with, we uplift & edify one another.
Also grateful for a good job with plenty of time off to hunt & fish with family & friends.
A few more things come to mind today. I'm grateful to live in this great country. For all it's flaws it still protects the most important human rights and gives us the opportunity to follow our dreams.

I'm thankful for the God of heaven and his miraculous creation called Earth. Being out in nature helps me remember He has everything under control.

I'm grateful for the teachers at my children's school that have adapted to current circumstances in order to provide a place of learning. We survived a few months of home school, but barely. My kids need the school setting to make life feel semi-normal.

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Great thread, Mother Theresa once said she would stand for something....and not against a different thing.
I am grateful to be a follower of Jesus and this is the central theme, throughout his teachings, imo.
Thankful for my family, health, employment. Also spending time with my boy bow hunting the rut this Nov. Quit worrying about antlers and just enjoyed the moment. Good thread OP.
I’m thankful for the free gift of salvation through Jesus! Thankful for my wife and children (14 & 12). I am thankful for my health and their health. I am thankful to live in this country! I’ve travelled the world and have yet to find any place better. I’m thankful for a great career and a blessed ministry. I’m thankful for a close family and trusted friends. I’m thankful for the material and financial blessings (much more than I deserve).
Happy Thanksgiving all- we have very much to be grateful for..........
I too am thankful for the free gift of salvation through Jesus! I'm thankful for all the public land we have here in this great country to play and chase critters in. I'm super thankful for my wife of 34 years and of my great daughter. I'm thankful to be able to apply for lots of big game tags ,occasionally drawing a good one, and being able to hunt every year . Lots more to be thankful for too.
Today I reflect back 9 1/2 years to when my first son was born. Things got real tense in the delivery room and I didn't know what was going on, but as soon as he came out, he was rushed to the NICU. He spent a week there while the hole in his lungs repaired itself. I'm grateful for the miracle of the human body. It's unmatched in complexity and functionality. I'm also grateful for the medical professionals who helped that day and week as I felt helpless to assist in the recovery of my son. They inspired me to be as proficient in my craft as they are in theirs.
I’m thankful to live in a time when we have all the technology to make life better. From weapons to vehicles, to computers and everything else, we are very blessed.
Tonight I'm thankful for modern conveniences like indoor plumbing, a furnace to heat my home , AC in the summer, hot showers, lights with the flick of a switch. Last summer our AC fan motor went out and it took 8 days to get a repairman to come to fix it. One night it was 88 degrees in the house when we went to bed. We were miserable. I know I'm not as tough as my grandparents were.