Help Me Pick a Kifaru Bag


Nov 19, 2021
I ended up getting the EMR II. Really like the bag. Don't like their frames though and how their bags mount to their frames on the top. For me, that area has continually had problems with making noise while I walk with the pack on, more so when it starts to get loaded up a bit.

Also on other packs....for those long side pockets which I like..... on other maufacturers designs... they pass thru the cinching down strap UNDER these pockets! Which I feel is logically a much better choice, because lots of times I need to use the straps to hold things unto the outside of the pack (such as predator seat cushion) and may need to really crank down on those straps, but I can't go too hard if there is something in the long side-pockets (such as a spotter) which might become damaged if that strap DOESN'T go under them but OVER them instead. And you go and crank down on the tightness. This creates the potential to have the tension from that strap possibly damaging things in those long side pockets.

Definitely go big. You can always strap down and cinch down stuff with the packs. But ya can't make space when you've maxed them out already.

EDIT: I like the compromise they did on this Fulcrum bag. You'll notice that they made the straps not go OVER the long side-pockets on that model.
I won't know until I have the pack in hand but I am planning to mod it so the compression straps go under the side pockets. I'm not sure why kifaru doesn't do that ,I'm sure there is a good reason I'm just not seeing .


Nov 19, 2021
I figure it's because it could allow some things to move w/in those pockets maybe?
Yeah that makes sense but if they are intended for a spotter and a tripod , items most don't want to compress down I would think they would make it so you can run the straps either way then your covered but looking at the pics/videos it seems like a fairly easy mod to me .


Sep 12, 2022
I know Aron says the hoodlum synchs down nice for scouting / day trips or overnights. Does this hold true or is it kind of a PITA?

Debating selling SG system for a kifaru system…


Jun 13, 2021
Hello, I’m really struggling in understanding which Kifaru bag is a good fit with he following goals:

1. Versatility. I don’t want to own a bunch of bags, I hunt a few times a year. I want a bag that I can go from truck hunting, to spike camp and day hunts from spike camp, to all on your back. Longest hunt I can see myself doing is 7 days in the backcountry. There could be a situation where I would go on a 10-day hunt, but I don’t see that in the immediate future.

2. I’m not a fan of having a water bladder inside the bag, it’s a bunch of work to fill and likely gets the inside of the bag wet. I’d like to a situation where the water bladder is outside of the main pack.

3. Compressability. I’d like to be able to have the bag work in a variety of situations where the capacity wouldn’t need to be used unless I was packing something out.

4. Access. I’d like ease of access to things I will be using a lot of.

The bags I’m stuck on are the Reckoning, Hoodlum, Ma Deuce, Dall, or the Fulcrum. I do have a duplex lite frame, a sherman pocket, a quarter panel, a water bottle holder, and an xpac organizer guide lid.

Thanks for your help!
I had the hoodlum, it was almost the perfect pack, but when compressing it down for day trips, I found there to be just too much bag.

I sold it and picked up a Stryker xl. I have all the same pockets as you listed. I did not like that set up either.

I now have an exo K4, 3600. The thing is perfect for 1-3 days. It is pretty much a hoodlum, just smaller. It’s everything I wanted the hoodlum to be.

My 2 cents


Aug 3, 2018
I spent the better part of a month trying to make the decision you are. Too many choices were making my ADHD brain melt. Ultimately I wanted to be able to backpack for 7-10 without issue. Looked at a ton of reviews. I ultimately chose and ordered the Hoodlum with a few options last week. I was stuck between the 44mag and the Hoodlum.

Can't report back yet, but will do so when I get a chance to do a shakedown test.
Feb 26, 2023
I have a hoodlum and an Exo K4. I'm still deciding between the two. The hooldum can cinch down well, but it is a lot of bag. Depending on how light you run your day pack mode you might be able to get all your gear in the two side zipper pockets and maybe run a large belt pack on the molle. This is not a negative, i'm just not sure how much people run in day mode. For rough math the two side zips and a large kifaru pouch is just shy of 1100cu (400 each side zip, 287 large pouch). I have not taken my hoodlum out for true day packs. I'm training with sandbags just to get a feel for the belt and frame, so I haven't tried my version of a day pack on it. I did load up some gear to see how I could configure it and I was surprised at how much I could get in those side zipper pockets. Between that and a large pocket I didn't need to put a lot in the main bag so I could strap it down pretty nice. Not sure if this helps. Ideally you could buy several bags and just return the ones that didn't work out. You have 40 days I think. It costs a bit in shipping and there is a restock "fee." It depends on how much you want to try out a variety of bags for that slight extra cost to get the one you really want.