Idaho NR tags

At the Fish and Game meetings the older guys are the ones pushing for draw systems so they can get in on the ground floor, draw one good tag, then they're dead and gone while their kids and grandkids draw a good tag every 25-30yrs with the point creep. It's a pretty selfish demographic that shows up for the draw tag discussions. Not saying that's your thoughts at all, but that's the ones pushing that agenda at the meetings. Consequences be damned for the future generations. It is just another barrier to getting new hunters recruited.

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I like to be able to plan my hunts and points do that. New hunters area screwed either way. With no points odds only get worse as the applicant pools increase. With points they’re behind thousands of applicants and some hunts can’t be drawn, but they’re ahead of those who get in after them. The only way to fix either is fewer apps or more tags.

Rather ban all NR than go to point system.
Seems to me that when they start making RESIDENTS DECLARE UNIT/ZONE they will start to see better game numbers. Keep in mind that NoNRES tags are LIMITED. SAME AMOUNT every year. What's not limited is RESIDENT TAGS and they can now hunt wherever they want and non res can't. Everywhere I went this year was 10/1 Idaho residents and they weren't willing to pay to camp but would drive to the forest service campground to use the shitter. (even though you didn't have to pay) and then they would ride their side x sides around and hike maybe 100-200 yrds from the end of the road. (Not everyone, but most). Whatever. I kill a buck in Idaho every year, regardless of the craziness. May not be a big buck but that's just the way it goes. I won't pay out of state prices to not come home with some meat. So I get my buck.
Seems to me that when they start making RESIDENTS DECLARE UNIT/ZONE they will start to see better game numbers. Keep in mind that NoNRES tags are LIMITED. SAME AMOUNT every year. What's not limited is RESIDENT TAGS and they can now hunt wherever they want and non res can't. Everywhere I went this year was 10/1 Idaho residents and they weren't willing to pay to camp but would drive to the forest service campground to use the shitter. (even though you didn't have to pay) and then they would ride their side x sides around and hike maybe 100-200 yrds from the end of the road. (Not everyone, but most). Whatever. I kill a buck in Idaho every year, regardless of the craziness. May not be a big buck but that's just the way it goes. I won't pay out of state prices to not come home with some meat. So I get my buck.
Sun Valley is now IdaCalafruity. I get it.
Haha, that’s a great name. In all honesty there were a ton of vacation home owners that moved there to ride out covid. And that is on top of people who bought homes.

You have 3x the amount of people who usually live there on top of people who can suddenly work remotely. Its a recipe for elk tags to sell out quick. Same thing that happened to the Sawtooth zone a few years ago.
Pioneer zone has always been flooded with NR. No surprise it sold out, but there's gonna be like 25% as many NR this year as there was before the cap. You would be hard pressed to find an Idaho plate in that zone the past few years.

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Shit load of domestic foreigners moved to the Sun Valley area because of Covid. Not surprised the Pioneers sold out that quick.
More like it's because there were 1/10 the number of tags as the sawtooth A or B tags lol.

Pioneer A sold out too, but took 2-3X as long as sawtooth.

*** Not to mention anyone already in Sun Valley would be a resident, not NR, so a moot point for this discussion***
If you have the opportunity to hunt every year I am in I may not buy3 elk tags a year anymore but that is ok I will be out enjoying myself
You kill more elk than the wolves do Ross

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I see more of this coming in other states, Oregon is next up, and since the states aren’t required to give a single nr tag, I’m happy to get what I can when I can.
Holy $#!+ show Batman! I logged in at 10am to see the circus. I was not disappointed. Maybe a random draw might work better next year.

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Absolute shit show
First time buying a western tag today. Got in early because I had no idea all you goons were only in it for the elk tags Spent an hour screaming at my computer trying to buy a deer tag for a unit that is still available right now.

Oh well, just glad to have a tag in my pocket and a first western trip lined up with a good buddy.

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I was in the 5000 range and my friend was 248 and we started the same time. It went better than I thought it would.
Usually government and websites are a design for disaster
Got on at 11,593 I believe and got my deer tag for the unit I wanted. Total surprise wait was a couple hours.

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Did anyone notice if you clicked on the giant tab that said "Buy Licenses, Permits, and Tags" it would just keep trying to load or error. I wonder how many people never figured out you had to click on "License Catalogue" to actually get put into the virtual waiting room to be assigned a random # at 10, because if you didn't figure that out before 10 you were screwed.
I Got right in no problem, added items to cart, couldn't complete check out and system timed out on me.. put tag in my cart again, Got through checkout process, but was then redirected to the waiting room instead of a confirmation page. Got a text saying my card was charged by IDGFP though. No email from IDGFP. Who knows if i actually got one.
Probably just my lack of experience buying out of state tags, but I can't wrap my mind around dropping 1k for a license/tag that is nonrefundable when the regulations outlining when the tag is valid haven't been released.
Probably just my lack of experience buying out of state tags, but I can't wrap my mind around dropping 1k for a license/tag that is nonrefundable when the regulations outlining when the tag is valid haven't been released.

No, it’s pretty atypical. Usually seasons are set 1st. That pioneer B tag that sold out so quickly is only a 2 year old hunt and could easily go away come March

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