I'm ready


Feb 29, 2012
Springtown, TX
Just finished all the booking of logistics for a moose hunt this sept. This will be my 4th trip and hopefully the time I finally get one or see one for that matter. Going to be a good fall
Where ya going keep?

Heading to Quebec to see if this is the year I get my Canadian moose. My outfitter happens to be a good friend so I want to try to shoot it with him. This year will be a little different because he will be hunting with me instead if for me. I've hunted with him for the past 7 years for bear and moose and its always been me hunting. In the early years, before the friendship, that was great but now it will be like hunting with a buddy so this will be a special trip for me in that regards.
Well for the 4th year, no dice. I had a very good bull at 15yds for 10mins and couldn't get a shot. The one chance I had there was a cow at 5yds staring at me. We finally worked till I had the bull at 49.3yds with nothing between us and just didn't feel comfortable. He was catching on that we weren't a moose by this point and he was broadside looking straight at us. I feel good out to 70 just something didn't sit right with me on this so my Canadian moose quest will enter a 5th year. I keep second guessing myself on passing but at the time and seeing his body language I saw to many potential problems with the shot.
Keep sorry to hear about your moose hunt. On the other hand it is good to hear you declined on the shot due to something not sitting right with you. Plenty of us out there have made the choice to take shots we were not 100 percent about and regretted it after wards. I wish you the best of luck on your next go around with the moose!