Karl Braendel, Nin Ridge Guides


Feb 12, 2017
Portland, OR
Had a great Hunt on the Alaska peninsula last spring but didn’t harvest. My wife has giving me the OK to extend my once in a lifetime hunt😘, so thinking of trying Kodiak.
Anybody have any experience with Karl Braendel and Nin Ridge outfitters?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
I speak to Karl most every year. I never hunted with him but I love Kodiak bears and stay up on research. When I went in 2014 I hunted with Scott Mileur. That was on a recommendation of a friend. Killed a 28" bear. Scott is superb as well.

Karl's name came up often when I was doing research. He's has a good record of killing big bears. His website is a little dated, but has some up to date photos. His price is a bit lower than some of the others.

Karl's getting up there but his son and Andy Hawk also guide for him. He's done it a long time. Very friendly when we speak and can tell he's a guy who could fill a book with bear stories.

The area he has right now is Dog Salmon. But 2024 will be a new 10 year period and I haven't heard if he retained that area. Sometimes the Feds switch areas as he had Zacher Bay previously.

He did have a run with bad weather, Covid disruptions and client issues and didn't fill all the tags for a few years. But the last two falls and spring seasons has seen him return to filling most tags. It's all there in the gallery listed by years.

I would hunt with him no doubt. He's experienced and honest and has produced. With big brownies though, you pay your money and take your chances. There are several good outfitters on Kodiak. Mileur, Kirsten, Lance Kronberger etc.
Thank you for the feedback. I got off the phone with him earlier today and came away with A very positive feeling, and the impression he could fill a few books with good stories (I mean that in a positive way). He did retain his area, but I hear there’s a couple well known outfitters that may not.