Knives Being Banned Across the Pond

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Mar 31, 2017
Unfathomable. Just goes to show that there is no end to taking rights away in the name of safety.

10 years ago, I was in Sydney Australia and I asked a AFP friend where I could buy an Aussie made knife because I collect knives. My AFP friend said that knives larger than a SAK were illegal in Australia and that no larger fixed blades were available. Let's not even talk about guns, he had to jump through hoops to get approved for a single shot rifle with which to hunt.
What will be soo glorious will be how this retarded experiment of theirs will, of course, fail at it's objective. At least THAT way... now we'll have this example to STFU some of the rabid dumb@$s anti-gunners by being able to point to data stats showing like no freaking change whatsoever... accept for like maybe all of a sudden increase in people being stabbed by sharpened spoons and toothbrushes like as if they were all in a prison! Which... come to think of it... I guess they ARE!
Data and logic mean nothing. Australia is used as the gold standard for stopping gun related deaths. It worked. Gun related deaths are way lower. The problem is the murder rate is pretty much exactly the same. In fact, for the first couple years of the ban, murders increased slightly. They solved nothing except the problem of law abiding citizens being armed with guns.
Data and logic mean nothing. Australia is used as the gold standard for stopping gun related deaths. It worked. Gun related deaths are way lower. The problem is the murder rate is pretty much exactly the same. In fact, for the first couple years of the ban, murders increased slightly. They solved nothing except the problem of law abiding citizens being armed with guns.
Exactly......but if a person wants to stab someone for whatever mind boggling reason they will still carry a knife, because everybody will still have knives at home and be able to buy them everywhere.

I recall when they did something similar in England, they banned chemical irritants (mace) and incapacitation devices (tasers) and rapes and assaults on women went through the roof. Europe and Australia are just following along the English model. Constant mass CCTV surveillance, welfare state housing, it's just a revival of the system of royalty and serfdom that has never really gone away in the populations minds. It's mind boggling how people go along with these things. In my work truck I have hammers, crowbars, chisels and a few dozen other "deadly" items.
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I was in London at the time of the 2017 London Bridge attack. Woke up the morning after with a gazillion texts from folks asking if we were ok.

The Brits were all up in arms about banning knives immediately after that. There was a general election soon to take place at that time as well if I recall correctly.

Can't even fathom banning knives. How the hell do they plan on cutting up their London Broils?????
Pretty soon they will be telling us when/where we can pick up sheds.
Or where we can/cant pick up arrowheads/rocks.
Losing our Liberties every day.

It’s illegal to pick up arrowheads already they’re considered artifacts

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