My first California Blacktail

Cameron C

Aug 30, 2012
My brother, Dad and I got out on opening weekend, in California. My brother saw a few doe on the first day, other than that we didn't see anything. Second day, we switched up our game plan. I saw three does within the first 15 minutes, and an hour later saw two bucks. I shot the only one that I had a shot on and it turned out to be a pretty good 4x4. We had it in camp by noon. My brother packed it out for me too!

Man, who is that good lookin guy next to you!? Haha, nice job little brother. I am gonna say CA muley or mule tail! Regardless, great buck. And that 30 30 certainly did its work well!
chiefhoyt, D-zone is right. That being said, what do you guys think? And thanks Arrowslinger
Congrats on the buck. I really like the old lever action, brings back memories of my first rifle!

D zone holds crosses (mule/blacktail).
Yup, muley cross. Good Cali buck for sure. Gonna try for one myself this weekend, also backpacking into a Dzone. D3 for us!
Been hunting the same buck in D zone since Aug. He disappeared this weekend but I still think I can get an arrow in him before its over. Looks like you got away from the D zone crowds!
Ha! Manosteel, that's right man. My brother and my dad were telling me my rifle sounds like a loud cough.

Thanks everybody!