New to coyote calling/hunting


May 9, 2013
During this past season in one of my deer hunting areas I saw and heard an unusually large number of coyotes. This might explain why deer hunting was slow all season in this area.
Now that the deer season is over I want to find a way to stay in the woods and thought coyote hunting would be the ticket.
My questions:
1. Are electronic calls the standard method or do mouth calls work as well? This area is heavily wooded and is surrounded by pasture and some wheat fields. I have seen most of the coyotes in the woods. (of course, I'm a bowhunter and my stands are in the woods).

2. Are decoys necessary?

3. While in my stands during deer season I've seen coyotes out chasing cottontails at all hours but are morning and evening the best times?



Jun 11, 2014
Blaine, MN
From my experience calling during the day is not as productive as early morning, evening and night time hunting. I have had a lot of success with a hand call and never used a decoy. I however, will be using a decoy on my next outing as it does take the attention away from you an onto something else BUT is not required. Also, I have taken more coyotes with a shotgun than with a rifle so keep that in mind as well. Coyotes can take a long time to come in. 20 min call sits was the minimum time I sat on one spot. They can come in from a long way away. Lastly most of the time I have seen coyotes come in they tend to get close than try to circle down wind before committing. Keep that in mind as well. Lastly, in the spring time when does are dropping fawns is a good time to go out there with a fawn bleat. We try to "educate" coyotes to the fact that a fawn cry isnt always an easy meal. It might just be buckshot heading your way!