Nontraditional antelope tactics

Aug 20, 2021
Hey everyone, I was wondering if you guys had any stories of using nontraditional bow tactics for antelope hunting? My idea of traditional are plain spot and stalk, antelope decoy, and sitting water. I've wanted to try a method of using a tractor as a way to get close, or using a piece of sage brush. Like to see what you guys have tried!

I guess flagging could fall under that category. I've never tried it while hunting , but I've seen bucks run to white fabric in motion.

I had a friend that was beanpole skinny and wore a very oversized white T shirt on a windy September day. A pronghorn chased her into a fence corner, then paced in front of her stomping and making challenge calls for a minute. It was neat to see what's normally a spooky animal get so recklessly amped up.
I guess flagging could fall under that category. I've never tried it while hunting , but I've seen bucks run to white fabric in motion.

I had a friend that was beanpole skinny and wore a very oversized white T shirt on a windy September day. A pronghorn chased her into a fence corner, then paced in front of her stomping and making challenge calls for a minute. It was neat to see what's normally a spooky animal get so recklessly amped up.
Second. Didn’t believe it until I saw my buddy wave a white pillow case in the air while crouching in some wheat thistle. Curiosity killed the antelope that day.
After crawling forever to take an antelope I took off my hat and waved it to signal my spouse to come help with the pack out and the rest of the herd came right to me.
I've heard countless old timers talk about flagging, but haven't personally tried it. Idk if bucks have evolved over time to fall for it still, but I've heard plenty of stories of just sticking something white and wavy in the air then sit and wait for them come!
I tried flagging two years ago hunting with the wife for her first hunt. Only antelope near us was a real young male and it drew him in and kept him pacing back and forth. Didn’t have opportunity to try it again as we ended up sneaking on one she killed. I’ll be bringing a white rag with me every time now
Our hunting group started flipping our camo shirts inside out several years ago (inside is white) or just wearing a white t shirt. We figured if an antelope sees us, it would be game over if we were wearing camo anyway so we may as well see if the antelope's curiosity will help us out. We have killed 4 antelope in the last 3 years while wearing white shirts.
Antelope are very curious and I’ve seen them act very randomly on occasion. If I have a herd that looks like they are going to spook and run away, I’ve tried making noise or quickly getting back into my vehicle and driving away. It doesn’t work often, but sometimes the lead doe or buck will get curious/angry and run straight at you until they are pretty close.
We have been using pop-up decoys (pull rope) on fence lines and gate openings. Also historic travel corridors. Has worked very well. Around Sept 15 and on they will not tolerate other bucks in close proximity. We pop them up when they are looking away. They turn and often come.
My other trick is I took a Flambeau whitetail doe decoy and painted it as an antelope (the one that looks a little squatty) I cut off the back legs and installed a pipe with internal spring. When I pull the rope it squats down to pee which they do a lot in heat. Adds some movement and realism. Sucked a buck right in in 2020 to this trick.
Lots of fun and keeps you engaged. Both are from a pit setup (also have used a treestand in a lone cottonwood on prairie)
Here is an early video snapshotIMG_3133 (3)_Moment.jpg. I have since shortened the pipes to get more squat