North idaho , Wa rut.


Dec 30, 2012
What are you guys seeing for rutting this year ? Seems late. Very few scrapes, and only 1 deer used them
I have hunted these spots for years and just not seeing the norm. 1 buck shot a week ago had an inch of fat and still solid.
I live in WA unit 127. Bucks are rutting hard here and have been for about a week. Hunted 124 from November 12-19 and didn’t see shit. Very little deer activity at all. In my experience, the rut usually happens earlier around my house than it does at my spots in 124.

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The bucks were chasing pretty hard in unit 14 in Idaho when I was up there last week.
Killed a small buck that was cruising and grunting up a storm in the vicinity of CDA yesterday. Saw a lot of buck tracks in the snow with doe tracks earlier in the week (mon and Tuesday)
I have only had time to get out twice to take the Grandsons. 1 shot a doe last weekend and yesterday all we saw were does. I have 4 days off for Thanksgiving so hopefully it will be the 2nd search stage. We have killed alot of bucks thanksgiving week . It just seems odd to not see rut sign and movement in our area. A buddy has trail cams there and still only early morning and late evening movement.
I also live in 127 and on the border of unit 5 and the mature bucks were chasing hard starting Nov 17 and seems to be still going strong.
I am hunting north idaho this week. All deer movement has been after dark sets in seen one buck chasing after dark over the weekend. Can't seam to find does during the daylight even.
Well it finally came alive this week. Several good bucks taken in our area. My son shot a good 4x5 , he has been putting the boys first for several years now and it is great he got that buck. my grandson had a shot and missed a big doe. I have passed on a couple bucks earlier and did not fill my tag , but my focus was on my grandsons
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Hunted 21st-23rd with one fresh-ish scrape, saw one doe and “called in” a bambspike during last light on my last day. Empty handed but hope others connected with the right times this year