NV or AZ?


Dec 6, 2013
I got a job that's going to allow me to move to either the Phoenix, AZ or Reno, NV area. I'm trying to base my move solely on hunting opportunities. I just recently found out and have started doing research on both states. Up until now, I've never serious thought of moving to or hunting either states so I would say that I just about know literally nothing about them.

I'm most interested in regular non draw hunting opportunities. The special hard to get permits are important, but I would prefer to hunt every year. I'm also interested in the opportunities for small game hunting.

Any help, advice, or direction would be greatly appreciated!


Jan 23, 2013
Reno, NV
There is only a few hunts in Nv you can hunt every year, and the way the bonus point system works you will never earn bonus points for that species. for strictly tags every year hunting I would say Arizona. But man there is a ton more to consider (in my eyes) when moving. Hunting would for sure be up there. I am just saying weigh more option such as work location. which climate you prefer. hobbies. family. Sorry probably don't help much. but 2 cents never hurt anyone ;) best of luck!!!
Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az
Here in Az, we have TONS of public land with over the counter deer and limited elk tags. By limited elk tags, I mean there are low densities in there, but it is over the counter. As far as deer go, plenty of big bucks to hunt with a bow 3 times a year.
Jul 30, 2013
Humboldt county
I've never been to Phoenix but have been to Reno numerous times. To be nice it's not the best of places. Not a place I would want to raise a family in, now if you worked in Reno but lived out of it that may not be so bad. But if choosing as a single guy based on hunting alone I would choose Reno, keep in mind in not a huge deer hunter but they do have big bucks there. But I would choose Reno because it's closer to idaho: elk, bear, antelope all available, couple that with oregon elk and bear, waterfowl on the snake and Nevada also has great waterfowl as well. .


Sep 25, 2014
I would pick NV. AZ is being overrun with Californians and others to a much higher degree than NV and that means in the long term NV will be the better choice. Also you should consider which other states you may want to hunt someday. For me that would make NV the pick. Good luck with the move.

Travis Bertrand

Super Moderator
Staff member
Mar 9, 2012
I would pick NV. AZ is being overrun with Californians and others to a much higher degree than NV and that means in the long term NV will be the better choice. Also you should consider which other states you may want to hunt someday. For me that would make NV the pick. Good luck with the move.

Do you have any stats to back that up? The reason I ask is we say the same here! Lol. We are getting a ton of people from Cali.

To the op, for opportunity, hands down az. You can hunt OTC deer in most of the state THREE TIMES A YEAR! az has one of the top 2 elk herds in the us and more opportunity to hunt them than nv. There is nowhere close to Reno where you can hunt every year consistently.

If that is your only choice on city in az, that's a screwball. I wouldn't live there personally. Too hot and big. Reno is a good size but like mentioned before, I wouldn't WANT to raise a family here but it also depends on what part of the town you live in. It isn't that bad. (I was born and raised in Reno and am now raising my two young-ins here). Keep in mind you can always hunt cali too if you move to Reno consistently.


Jun 18, 2013
Funny about those Cali people, were getting them here too. Im also moving to NV next year, Vegas though, possibly AZ later, have exprience in AZ as i have friends there but none in NV. Looking forward to getting some hunting in while in NV if i can get a tag and figure things out there. Good luck with your move.
Nov 7, 2012
What is with those Cali people. S Utah is also full of Cali transplants. I think they are taking over. Either that or just a few of them in an area are able to change the normal dynamic and life is forever changed.

I would not consider just hunting. It is a very small part of the year and other than the OTC deer in AZ you wont get the other tags very often. I moved from WI and chose Utah because the weather is good, the town is nice and I am 8 hours max from hunting every surrounding state. AZ would allow you quicker access to more hunting in other states. The states around Reno are harder to draw I think.


Apr 6, 2013
Shasta County, Norcal
The thing about "Cali people" is they continue with their agenda. If you oppose their way of thinking you need to go on offense and beat them down. Get involved, make your conservative voice heard and quit being victims...if we don't do this, we're going to lose the right to do what we love.


Sep 6, 2014
Phoenix AZ
Just for fun, some of us in Phoenix bowhunt javelina. There's some turkey here although not a tremendous amount. The dove hunting is fantastic though. You can even find some duck hunting if that's your thing. Lot's of illegal immigrants here though, and border-crossing type crime is in the area if you talk to the authorities. Lots of traffic issues and other big city problems, but also big city conveniences.
Jan 17, 2014
I am familiar with both cities and currently live only about 30 miles from Reno . Phoenix is a toilet IMO. Total over populated sprawl . I fly into Phoenix an average of 2 x a year . Reno is way smaller, doesnt have traffic when compared to Phoenix, and has great access to big mountains with excellent trout fishing , climbing, and backpacking. I hunt in CA in the sierra range which is very close to Reno and has OTC bear and deer tags. If you chose Reno you could live on the CA side and have CA resident hunt tag rates which are around $40 per tag BUT you enter "The peoples republic of CA " resident status which is NOT very attractive to most hard working non welfare receiving Americans due to taxes ,cost of living, oppressive laws etc.You could also just live on the NV side and pay out of state fees in CA but overall NV doesnt offer much for consistent yearly tags which is a NO go in my eyes . AZ is a good option if you can live about 40 miles north of Phoenix in Cave Creek or Carefree which border the vast Tonto Nat forest and miles upon miles of high desert wilderness . If you could live in either of those areas I would choose AZ. If you have to live in or close to Phoenix I would choose Reno.

AZ Vince

Jul 10, 2012
I'll give you a quick rundown on Arizona.
Deer, Javalina, Mountain Lion, Bear, easy to draw, or OTC, and good opportunities.
Everything else, sell your kidney, first born, and rent out your spouse.
I hope that clears up Arizona.


Dec 6, 2013
Thank you everyone for your input. It is always nice to hear what people have to say about each area that actually have experience. I also really appreciate you guys taking the time to summary the game regs and explain the opportunities for me.

I plan on traveling to each plan in the next few weeks to get a better idea of what they are like.

Any more thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.


Jan 9, 2014
Phoenix the city is hellonearth (100+ consecutive days over 100F, traffic, etc), but the variety of outdoor stuff within a 3 hour radius cannot be equaled anywhere in North America. Just about the only things not available are surfing and consistently good skiing. The mountain biking within city limits is some of the best anywhere. Food and cultural stuff are fantastic if you can make it through traffic to get to them. Hunting as mentioned is excellent, though the AZ trophy-first approach is not something I personally support.

If the job there pays for plenty of gas to escape and good air conditioning in house and car you'll be well set. Find a way to move said job north to Prescott or Flag and you'll be even better off.


Nov 6, 2012
AZ is free and open, can open or conceal carry. Great weather outside of summer. Some excellent colleges to attend for viewing. Not to mention we have a very protected and locked up secure border with Mexico. It makes hunting very interesting along the border units. Some days you may get a coyote (yes 4 legged kind), deer or illegals coming up, or you see guarded backpack runners heading back to Mexico.


Mar 24, 2014
My wife and I just moved to Phoneix (Peoria to be specific). We've been here a month. We like the convenience of being close to anything we could need, but we won't stay here forever. The big city is not for me. We moved from central VA, so quite a drastic change. I am looking forward to the bigger hunting variety here, but I did not realize how much drive time would be required to get to hunting areas. Considering that my hunting land in VA was a 20 minute drive with a 6 deer per year bag limit, I realize now that I will get to hunt much less often. Still, I was getting bored with all the treestand sitting, so we'll see how I feel after hunting the Dec-Jan archery season.