Scouting Season


May 19, 2016
West Texas
My Second favorite season...

Found water in a relatively secluded spot... Littered with deer tracks.


Followed this 2 track up to the dunes


Saw 1 doe, then a group of 3... Then 6 more.


5 mile hike. 1 cam set. 91 degrees when I got back to the truck at 6.

Now I just have to resist the temptation to check that cam.

Who else is on the scout?
Haven't made it out to scout yet. I don't do any in state scouting, so I'm waiting until I get the opportunity (from work) to get out of this concrete jungle for 3 or 4 days. I am ready to get out there now. Good luck in your scouting, ide be interested to see what comes in to that water. Thanks for posting.
I wanted to set the cam right over that puddle but I ended up putting it on a trail with good sign about a half mile out. I've got a couple cheap cams coming in this week. I'm Prob gonna head back out soon and put one on it and the other in a spot tbd.

The game warden Ive been in contact with has been very helpful... If you ask the right questions. I'm pretty sure I'm entertaining the absolute shit outta him.
I am going out this weekend to set two of my cameras up. In the wonderful expanse of Northern Idaho. I should be able to check them every 3 weeks, at least that is my plan. I get to check the cameras and get a nice 18 mile round trip up and down hike in plus an overnight camping trip. So I think of it as scouting/training.
Nice Nomad. Where in west Tx are you/is your spot? Is that public or private? Water holes have to be pretty productive out there.
I am going out this weekend to set two of my cameras up. In the wonderful expanse of Northern Idaho. I should be able to check them every 3 weeks, at least that is my plan. I get to check the cameras and get a nice 18 mile round trip up and down hike in plus an overnight camping trip. So I think of it as scouting/training.

Your summer scouting trips are gonna be a lot more enjoyable than mine. Good luck.
I realize we're now post-hunt for many but I've still got some scouting time left before my January Archery Mule Deer hunt in SE NM.

Some pics from late June (Edit for month)- The dunes...

Something funny in this pic (not the critter I was looking for)

Close enough...

Not many deer pics, but the daytime temps were blazing pretty good from May - June in the desert



I placed two more cameras that day so hopefully I should have 4 months worth of pics on 3 cams. With the deer density of that area and the normal desert temps of July-Sept, I still don't expect to get a ton of good info from these cams. It has been cooler over the last couple weeks though so I'm hoping to at least see a little bit of horn out of the surely 1000s of pics I'll be wading through.

Headed out this weekend to swap card and batteries. More to come... fingers crossed.
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