"The Season"

Hunter says he likes fall because the leaves change color!

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Hunter strikes again?

Just checked this before scrubbing one of the kids. We'll be back for more of the story. As my youngest says, "The best bedtime stories have blood trails."
Got a few good workouts in this week. Hunter's deer is cut up. Finally got my Long Range rifle scope ordered. Tomorrow starts 21 days of archery hunting. I love the rut. Hunter is looking for his first archery buck now. We'll see if he can continue his exceptional year. I'll upload a few cam pics I have. They aren't the best quality as I have a lot of cameras over scrapes, set on video. I pause the video and snap a still of them. I'll start doing daily updates. Good luck!!
we love t-cam pics and vids!

If you have a good video, let us know and I'll have Ryan give you admin rights to our YT page.
I snuck out of work early last night to set a travel corridor that's always good between the 27th and the 30th. I didn't see anything. I went back into that corridor this morning and Hunter went to a pinch point. I saw one small buck pushing three does. Hunter was blanked.

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Hunter had to work tonight so we checked the cameras, hung a new set,and then I am back in the woods. Getting rained on pretty good for the last hour now. I did get one good shooter on camera and a few that might be close.

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I passed a small 8 point last night and two fawns. The 8 came from Hunter's stand he's slowly learning the "joys" of work. We got up really early and hung two new sets in the dark. We're just to the NW of a little pond. Using it as a block for our wind.

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Four bucks sightings yesterday. No arrows flown. Hunter did have one coming through in range actually only about 12 yards. It would not give him a good stopped broadside shot so he didn't take it.

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Climbed in the stand yesterday at 1, temperatures of 68*.......crazy for here in Wisconsin. One small doe, very slow night.

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41* this morning, 28* colder than when I got in yesterday. Passed another young buck that needs a few more years. Still getting night pics of one big shooter.

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Ridiculously warm temperatures right now. Close to 70°, looks the same through the next 10 days. Ugly. Headed in to see what happens though....
Slow. Slow. Slow. Very little daylight movement around us. Really close to lockdown....,,

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