Uneven wear on drop down rest


Dec 6, 2013
Hello All,

I have a drop down rest I installed myself a few months ago. There appears to be uneven wear low and right of where to arrow rests on the paddle. Any idea of what this would be from? The arrow appears straight on the string/sights.

I’ve brought my bow to the local shop before. But after the string on the drop down he installed pulled out of the rest as I drew on a 6x6 bull last year at 20 yards (would of been my first elk after starting 7 years ago), I’d prefer to fix it myself.

Thanks in advance
QAD? I had a similar problem and went with a TT Smackdown. Never could figure the problem out.

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It's a Hamskea Hybird Hunter Pro. I searched The Google and was unable to find anyone else reporting the same issue with that rest.
Lots of people here use that rest. And, many of us will get a little wear right at the bottom of the "V", but it's never been offset for me.

What bow do you have it mounted on? How does the bow paper tune, shoot bare shafts, or shoot broadheads?
The fix for wear is to put felt on it. There could be a problem with your center shot since the wear is uneven, or maybe some yolk tuning is required. Anyway, felt is the first step to the wear problem. Then I'd look at my tune. But every time you adjust your rest or yolk you will see wear in a new spot, at least that is what I experienced, hence the felt before you do anything else. I have a big roll of the exact same stuff Hamskea uses (I asked them). I'd sell you a chunk of it, PM if you are interested.
I didn’t paper tune this now. When setting up, I made sure the string was plum in the vise and then leveled the arrow on the rest and nock. I’ll set up a paper tune and run it through today. More to come.
The uneven wear is from your release twisting the loop. The arrow then moves slightly off center as the string comes forward. If you powder your arrow you'll see it there too.